![]() |
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <exception>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "hdf5.h"
#include <utility>
#include <limits>
#include <float.h>
#include "hdf5_hl.h"
#include <deque>
#include <stack>
Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
namespace | h5wrap |
namespace | Json |
namespace | pyne |
namespace | pyne::decayers |
namespace | pyne::enrichment |
namespace | pyne::nucname |
namespace | pyne::rxname |
Macros | |
#define | _XDRESS_EXTRA_TYPES_ |
#define | isnan(x) __isnand((double)x) |
#define | JSON_API |
#define | JSON_HAS_INT64 |
#define | JSON_USE_EXCEPTION 1 |
#define | JSONCPP_DEPRECATED(message) |
#define | NUM_RX_NAMES 572 |
Typedefs | |
typedef unsigned int | Json::ArrayIndex |
typedef comp_map::iterator | pyne::comp_iter |
typedef std::map< int, double > | pyne::comp_map |
typedef int | Json::Int |
typedef long long int | Json::Int64 |
typedef Int64 | Json::LargestInt |
typedef UInt64 | Json::LargestUInt |
typedef struct pyne::material_data | pyne::material_data |
typedef std::set< name_t > | pyne::nucname::name_group |
typedef name_group::iterator | pyne::nucname::name_group_iter |
typedef std::string | pyne::nucname::name_t |
typedef name_zz_t::iterator | pyne::nucname::name_zz_iter |
typedef std::map< name_t, zz_t > | pyne::nucname::name_zz_t |
typedef unsigned int | Json::UInt |
typedef unsigned long long int | Json::UInt64 |
typedef std::set< zz_t > | pyne::nucname::zz_group |
typedef zz_group::iterator | pyne::nucname::zz_group_iter |
typedef int | pyne::nucname::zz_t |
typedef zzname_t::iterator | pyne::nucname::zzname_iter |
typedef std::map< zz_t, name_t > | pyne::nucname::zzname_t |
Enumerations | |
enum | Json::CommentPlacement { Json::commentBefore = 0 , Json::commentAfterOnSameLine , Json::commentAfter , Json::numberOfCommentPlacement } |
enum | Json::ValueType { Json::nullValue = 0 , Json::intValue , Json::uintValue , Json::realValue , Json::stringValue , Json::booleanValue , Json::arrayValue , Json::objectValue } |
Functions | |||||||||||
Cascade | pyne::enrichment::_fill_default_uranium_cascade () | ||||||||||
void * | pyne::rxname::_fill_maps () | ||||||||||
hid_t | h5wrap::_get_PYTABLES_COMPLEX128 () | ||||||||||
void | pyne::_insert_abund_map () | ||||||||||
void | pyne::_insert_atomic_mass_map () | ||||||||||
void | pyne::_load_atomic_mass_map_memory () | ||||||||||
double | pyne::enrichment::alphastar_i (double alpha, double Mstar, double M_i) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::capitalize (std::string s) | ||||||||||
bool | pyne::contains_substring (std::string s, std::string substr) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::coth (double x) | ||||||||||
std::map< int, double > | pyne::decayers::decay (std::map< int, double > comp, double t) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::endftod_cpp (char *s) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::endftod_f (char *s) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::enrichment::feed_per_prod (double x_feed, double x_prod, double x_tail) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::enrichment::feed_per_tail (double x_feed, double x_prod, double x_tail) | ||||||||||
bool | pyne::file_exists (std::string strfilename) | ||||||||||
template<typename T > | |||||||||||
T | h5wrap::get_array_index (hid_t dset, int n, hid_t dtype=H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::get_flag (char line[], int max_l) | ||||||||||
name_zz_t | pyne::nucname::get_fluka_zz () | ||||||||||
name_zz_t | pyne::nucname::get_name_zz () | ||||||||||
zzname_t | pyne::nucname::get_zz_fluka () | ||||||||||
zzname_t | pyne::nucname::get_zz_name () | ||||||||||
template<typename T > | |||||||||||
std::set< T > | h5wrap::h5_array_to_cpp_set (hid_t h5file, std::string data_path, hid_t dtype=H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE) | ||||||||||
template<typename T > | |||||||||||
std::vector< T > | h5wrap::h5_array_to_cpp_vector_1d (hid_t h5file, std::string data_path, hid_t dtype=H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE) | ||||||||||
template<typename T > | |||||||||||
std::vector< std::vector< T > > | h5wrap::h5_array_to_cpp_vector_2d (hid_t h5file, std::string data_path, hid_t dtype=H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE) | ||||||||||
template<typename T > | |||||||||||
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > | h5wrap::h5_array_to_cpp_vector_3d (hid_t h5file, std::string data_path, hid_t dtype=H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::last_char (std::string s) | ||||||||||
zz_group | pyne::nucname::name_to_zz_group (name_group eg) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::natural_naming (std::string name) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::rxname::offset (int dz, int da, int ds=0) | ||||||||||
std::ostream & | Json::operator<< (std::ostream &, const Value &root) | ||||||||||
std::ostream & | pyne::operator<< (std::ostream &os, Material mat) | ||||||||||
std::istream & | Json::operator>> (std::istream &, Value &) | ||||||||||
bool | h5wrap::path_exists (hid_t h5file, std::string path) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::enrichment::prod_per_feed (double x_feed, double x_prod, double x_tail) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::enrichment::prod_per_tail (double x_feed, double x_prod, double x_tail) | ||||||||||
void | pyne::pyne_start () | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::remove_characters (std::string s, std::string chars) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::remove_substring (std::string s, std::string substr) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::replace_all_substrings (std::string s, std::string substr, std::string repstr) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::simple_xs (int nuc, int rx, std::string energy) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::simple_xs (int nuc, std::string rx, std::string energy) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::simple_xs (std::string nuc, int rx, std::string energy) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::simple_xs (std::string nuc, std::string rx, std::string energy) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::slice_from_end (std::string s, int n=-1, int l=1) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::slope (double x2, double y2, double x1, double y1) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::solve_line (double x, double x2, double y2, double x1, double y1) | ||||||||||
Cascade | pyne::enrichment::solve_symbolic (Cascade &orig_casc) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::enrichment::swu_per_feed (double x_feed, double x_prod, double x_tail) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::enrichment::swu_per_prod (double x_feed, double x_prod, double x_tail) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::enrichment::swu_per_tail (double x_feed, double x_prod, double x_tail) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::enrichment::tail_per_feed (double x_feed, double x_prod, double x_tail) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::enrichment::tail_per_prod (double x_feed, double x_prod, double x_tail) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::tanh (double x) | ||||||||||
bool | pyne::ternary_ge (int a, int b, int c) | ||||||||||
double | pyne::to_dbl (std::string s) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::to_int (std::string s) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::to_lower (std::string s) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::to_upper (std::string s) | ||||||||||
bool | pyne::toggle_warnings () | ||||||||||
void | pyne::use_fast_endftod () | ||||||||||
double | pyne::enrichment::value_func (double x) | ||||||||||
std::string | Json::valueToQuotedString (const char *value) | ||||||||||
std::string | Json::valueToString (bool value) | ||||||||||
std::string | Json::valueToString (double value) | ||||||||||
std::string | Json::valueToString (Int value) | ||||||||||
std::string | Json::valueToString (LargestInt value) | ||||||||||
std::string | Json::valueToString (LargestUInt value) | ||||||||||
std::string | Json::valueToString (UInt value) | ||||||||||
void | pyne::warning (std::string s) | ||||||||||
String Conversion Functions | |||||||||||
Converts the variables of various types to their C++ string representation. | |||||||||||
std::string | pyne::to_str (bool t) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::to_str (double t) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::to_str (int t) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::to_str (unsigned int t) | ||||||||||
isnuclide functions | |||||||||||
These functions test if an input nuc is a valid nuclide.
| |||||||||||
bool | pyne::nucname::isnuclide (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
bool | pyne::nucname::isnuclide (int nuc) | ||||||||||
bool | pyne::nucname::isnuclide (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
iselement functions | |||||||||||
These functions test if an input nuc is a valid element.
| |||||||||||
bool | pyne::nucname::iselement (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
bool | pyne::nucname::iselement (int nuc) | ||||||||||
bool | pyne::nucname::iselement (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
Identifier Form Functions | |||||||||||
The 'id' nuclide naming convention is the canonical form for representing nuclides in PyNE. This is termed a ZAS, or ZZZAAASSSS, representation because It stores 3 Z-number digits, 3 A-number digits, followed by 4 S-number digits which the nucleus excitation state. The id() function will always return an nuclide in id form, if successful. If the input nuclide is in id form already, then this is function does no work. For all other formats, the id() function provides a best-guess based on a heirarchy of other formats that is used to resolve ambiguities between naming conventions. For integer input the form resolution order is:
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::id (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::id (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::id (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
Name Form Functions | |||||||||||
The 'name' nuclide naming convention is the more common, human readable notation. The chemical symbol (one or two characters long) is first, followed by the nucleon number. Lastly if the nuclide is metastable, the letter M is concatenated to the end. For example, ‘H-1’ and ‘Am242M’ are both valid. Note that nucname will always return name form with dashes removed, the chemical symbol used for letter casing (ie 'Pu'), and a trailing upercase 'M' for a metastable flag. The name() function first converts functions to id form using the id() function. Thus the form order resolution for id() also applies here.
| |||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::name (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::name (int nuc) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::name (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
Z-Number Functions | |||||||||||
The Z-number, or charge number, represents the number of protons in a nuclide. This function returns that number.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::znum (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::znum (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::znum (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
A-Number Functions | |||||||||||
The A-number, or nucleon number, represents the number of protons and neutrons in a nuclide. This function returns that number.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::anum (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::anum (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::anum (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
S-Number Functions | |||||||||||
The S-number, or excitation state number, represents the excitation level of a nuclide. Normally, this is zero. This function returns that number.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::snum (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::snum (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::snum (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
ZZAAAM Form Functions | |||||||||||
The ZZAAAM nuclide naming convention is the former canonical form for nuclides in PyNE. This places the charge of the nucleus out front, then has three digits for the atomic mass number, and ends with a metastable flag (0 = ground, 1 = first excited state, 2 = second excited state, etc). Uranium-235 here would be expressed as ‘922350’.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzaaam (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzaaam (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzaaam (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
ZZAAAM Form to Identifier Form Functions | |||||||||||
This converts from the ZZAAAM nuclide naming convention to the id canonical form for nuclides in PyNE.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzaaam_to_id (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzaaam_to_id (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzaaam_to_id (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
ZZZAAA Form Functions | |||||||||||
The ZZZAAA nuclide naming convention is a form in which the nuclides three digit ZZZ number is followed by the 3 digit AAA number. If the ZZZ number is 2 digits, the preceding zeros are not included. Uranium-235 here would be expressed as ‘92235’.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzzaaa (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzzaaa (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzzaaa (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
ZZZAAA Form to Identifier Form Functions | |||||||||||
This converts from the ZZZAAA nuclide naming convention to the id canonical form for nuclides in PyNE.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzzaaa_to_id (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzzaaa_to_id (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzzaaa_to_id (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
ZZLLAAAM Form Functions | |||||||||||
The ZZLLAAAM nuclide naming convention is a form in which the nuclides AA number is followed by the redundant two LL characters, followed by the nuclides ZZZ number. Can also be followed with a metastable flag. Uranium-235 here would be expressed as ‘92-U-235’.
| |||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::zzllaaam (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::zzllaaam (int nuc) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::zzllaaam (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
ZZLLAAAM Form to Identifier Form Functions | |||||||||||
This converts from the ZZLLAAAM nuclide naming convention to the id canonical form for nuclides in PyNE.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzllaaam_to_id (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::zzllaaam_to_id (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
MCNP Form Functions | |||||||||||
This is the naming convention used by the MCNP suite of codes. The MCNP format for entering nuclides is unfortunately non-standard. In most ways it is similar to zzaaam form, except that it lacks the metastable flag. For information on how metastable isotopes are named, please consult the MCNP documentation for more information.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::mcnp (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::mcnp (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::mcnp (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
MCNP Form to Identifier Form Functions | |||||||||||
This converts from the MCNP nuclide naming convention to the id canonical form for nuclides in PyNE.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::mcnp_to_id (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::mcnp_to_id (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::mcnp_to_id (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
FLUKA Form Functions | |||||||||||
This is the naming convention used by the FLUKA suite of codes. The FLUKA format for entering nuclides requires some knowledge of FLUKA The nuclide in must cases should be the atomic # times 10000000. The exceptions are for FLUKA's named isotopes See the FLUKA Manual for more information.
| |||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::fluka (int nuc) | ||||||||||
FLUKA Form to Identifier Form Functions | |||||||||||
This converts from the FLUKA name to the id canonical form for nuclides in PyNE.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::fluka_to_id (char *name) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::fluka_to_id (std::string name) | ||||||||||
Serpent Form Functions | |||||||||||
This is the string-based naming convention used by the Serpent suite of codes. The serpent naming convention is similar to name form. However, only the first letter in the chemical symbol is uppercase, the dash is always present, and the the meta-stable flag is lowercase. For instance, ‘Am-242m’ is the valid serpent notation for this nuclide.
| |||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::serpent (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::serpent (int nuc) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::serpent (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
Serpent Form to Identifier Form Functions | |||||||||||
This converts from the Serpent nuclide naming convention to the id canonical form for nuclides in PyNE.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::serpent_to_id (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::serpent_to_id (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
NIST Form Functions | |||||||||||
This is the string-based naming convention used by NIST. The NIST naming convention is also similar to the Serpent form. However, this convention contains no metastable information. Moreover, the A-number comes before the element symbol. For example, ‘242Am’ is the valid NIST notation.
| |||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::nist (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::nist (int nuc) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::nist (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
NIST Form to Identifier Form Functions | |||||||||||
This converts from the NIST nuclide naming convention to the id canonical form for nuclides in PyNE.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::nist_to_id (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::nist_to_id (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
CINDER Form Functions | |||||||||||
This is the naming convention used by the CINDER burnup library. The CINDER format is similar to zzaaam form except that the placement of the Z- and A-numbers are swapped. Therefore, this format is effectively aaazzzm. For example, ‘2420951’ is the valid cinder notation for ‘AM242M’.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::cinder (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::cinder (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::cinder (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
Cinder Form to Identifier Form Functions | |||||||||||
This converts from the Cinder nuclide naming convention to the id canonical form for nuclides in PyNE.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::cinder_to_id (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::cinder_to_id (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::cinder_to_id (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
ALARA Form Functions | |||||||||||
This is the format used in the ALARA activation code elements library. For elements, the form is "ll" where ll is the atomic symbol. For isotopes the form is "ll:AAA". No metastable isotope flag is used.
| |||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::alara (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::alara (int nuc) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::nucname::alara (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
ALARA Form to Identifier Form Functions | |||||||||||
This converts from the ALARA nuclide naming convention to the id canonical form for nuclides in PyNE.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::alara_to_id (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::alara_to_id (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
SZA Form Functions | |||||||||||
This is the new format for ACE data tables in the form SSSZZZAAA. The first three digits represent the excited state (000 = ground, 001 = first excited state, 002 = second excited state, etc). The second three digits are the atomic number and the last three digits are the atomic mass. Prepending zeros can be omitted, making the SZA form equal to the MCNP form for non-excited nuclides.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::sza (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::sza (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::sza (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
SZA Form to Identifier Form Functions | |||||||||||
This converts from the SZA nuclide naming convention to the id canonical form for nuclides in PyNE.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::sza_to_id (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::sza_to_id (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::sza_to_id (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
Ground State Form Functions | |||||||||||
This form stores the nuclide in id form, but removes the state information about the nuclide. I is in the same form as ID, but the four last digits are all zeros.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::groundstate (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::groundstate (int nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::groundstate (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
State Map functions | |||||||||||
These convert from/to decay state ids (used in decay data) to metastable ids (the PyNE default) | |||||||||||
void | pyne::nucname::_load_state_map () | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::id_to_state_id (int nuc_id) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::state_id_to_id (int state) | ||||||||||
ENSDF Form Functions | |||||||||||
This converts id's stored using standard ensdf syntax to nuc_id's
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::ensdf_to_id (const char *nuc) | ||||||||||
int | pyne::nucname::ensdf_to_id (std::string nuc) | ||||||||||
Hash Functions | |||||||||||
Custom hash function for reaction name to reaction ids. This functions will not return a value less than 1000, effectively reserving space for the MT numbers. | |||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::hash (const char *s) | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::hash (std::string s) | ||||||||||
Name Functions | |||||||||||
Returns the canonical name of a reaction channel.
| |||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::name (char *s) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::name (int from_nuc, int to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::name (int from_nuc, std::string to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::name (int n) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::name (std::string from_nuc, int to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::name (std::string from_nuc, std::string to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::name (std::string s) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::name (unsigned int n) | ||||||||||
ID Functions | |||||||||||
Returns the recation id of a reaction channel. This id has been precomputed from the hash of the name.
| |||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::id (const char *x) | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::id (int from_nuc, int to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::id (int from_nuc, std::string to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::id (int x) | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::id (std::string from_nuc, int to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::id (std::string from_nuc, std::string to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::id (std::string x) | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::id (unsigned int x) | ||||||||||
MT Number Functions | |||||||||||
Returns the MT number of a reaction channel, if available.
| |||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::mt (char *x) | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::mt (int from_nuc, int to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::mt (int from_nuc, std::string to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::mt (int x) | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::mt (std::string from_nuc, int to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::mt (std::string from_nuc, std::string to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::mt (std::string x) | ||||||||||
unsigned int | pyne::rxname::mt (unsigned int x) | ||||||||||
Label Functions | |||||||||||
Returns a short description of a reaction channel.
| |||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::label (char *x) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::label (int from_nuc, int to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::label (int from_nuc, std::string to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::label (int x) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::label (std::string from_nuc, int to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::label (std::string from_nuc, std::string to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::label (std::string x) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::label (unsigned int x) | ||||||||||
Documentation Functions | |||||||||||
Returns a short description of a reaction channel.
| |||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::doc (char *x) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::doc (int from_nuc, int to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::doc (int from_nuc, std::string to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::doc (int x) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::doc (std::string from_nuc, int to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::doc (std::string from_nuc, std::string to_nuc, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::doc (std::string x) | ||||||||||
std::string | pyne::rxname::doc (unsigned int x) | ||||||||||
Child Functions | |||||||||||
Returns the child nuclide comming from a parent for a reaction channel.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::rxname::parent (int nuc, std::string rx, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
int | pyne::rxname::parent (int nuc, unsigned int rx, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
int | pyne::rxname::parent (std::string nuc, std::string rx, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
int | pyne::rxname::parent (std::string nuc, unsigned int rx, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
Parent Functions | |||||||||||
Returns the parent nuclide comming for a child and a given reaction channel.
| |||||||||||
int | pyne::rxname::child (int nuc, std::string rx, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
int | pyne::rxname::child (int nuc, unsigned int rx, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
int | pyne::rxname::child (std::string nuc, std::string rx, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
int | pyne::rxname::child (std::string nuc, unsigned int rx, std::string z="n") | ||||||||||
double | pyne::enrichment::_deltaU_i_OverG (Cascade &casc, int i) | ||||||||||
Cascade | pyne::enrichment::_norm_comp_secant (Cascade &casc, double tolerance=1.0E-7, int max_iter=100) | ||||||||||
void | pyne::enrichment::_recompute_nm (Cascade &casc, double tolerance=1.0E-7) | ||||||||||
void | pyne::enrichment::_recompute_prod_tail_mats (Cascade &casc) | ||||||||||
Cascade | pyne::enrichment::solve_numeric (Cascade &orig_casc, double tolerance=1.0E-7, int max_iter=100) | ||||||||||
Multicomponent Functions | |||||||||||
Finds a value of Mstar by minimzing the seperative power. Note that Mstar on orig_casc represents an intial guess at what Mstar might be. This is the final function that actually solves for an optimized M* that makes the cascade!
| |||||||||||
Cascade | pyne::enrichment::multicomponent (Cascade &orig_casc, char *solver, double tolerance=1.0E-7, int max_iter=100) | ||||||||||
Cascade | pyne::enrichment::multicomponent (Cascade &orig_casc, std::string solver="symbolic", double tolerance=1.0E-7, int max_iter=100) | ||||||||||
Atomic Mass Data | |
void | pyne::_load_atomic_mass_map () |
double | pyne::atomic_mass (char *nuc) |
double | pyne::atomic_mass (int nuc) |
double | pyne::atomic_mass (std::string nuc) |
typedef struct pyne::atomic_mass_data | pyne::atomic_mass_data |
std::map< int, double > | pyne::atomic_mass_map = std::map<int, double>() |
std::map< std::string, std::string > | pyne::get_data_checksums () |
Q_value Data | |
void | pyne::_load_q_val_map () |
double | pyne::gamma_frac (const char *nuc) |
double | pyne::gamma_frac (int nuc) |
double | pyne::gamma_frac (std::string nuc) |
std::map< int, double > | pyne::gamma_frac_map = std::map<int, double>() |
double | pyne::q_val (const char *nuc) |
double | pyne::q_val (int nuc) |
double | pyne::q_val (std::string nuc) |
typedef struct pyne::q_val_data | pyne::q_val_data |
std::map< int, double > | pyne::q_val_map = std::map<int, double>() |
Dose Factor Data | |
void | pyne::_load_dose_map (std::map< int, dose > &dm, std::string source_path) |
std::map< int, dose > | pyne::doe_dose_map |
typedef struct pyne::dose | pyne::dose |
double | pyne::dose_fluid_frac (const char *nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::dose_fluid_frac (int nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::dose_fluid_frac (std::string nuc, int source) |
std::string | pyne::dose_lung_model (const char *nuc, int source) |
std::string | pyne::dose_lung_model (int nuc, int source) |
std::string | pyne::dose_lung_model (std::string nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::dose_ratio (const char *nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::dose_ratio (int nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::dose_ratio (std::string nuc, int source) |
std::map< int, dose > | pyne::epa_dose_map |
double | pyne::ext_air_dose (const char *nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::ext_air_dose (int nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::ext_air_dose (std::string nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::ext_soil_dose (const char *nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::ext_soil_dose (int nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::ext_soil_dose (std::string nuc, int source) |
std::map< int, dose > | pyne::genii_dose_map |
double | pyne::ingest_dose (const char *nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::ingest_dose (int nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::ingest_dose (std::string nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::inhale_dose (const char *nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::inhale_dose (int nuc, int source) |
double | pyne::inhale_dose (std::string nuc, int source) |
Scattering Length Data | |
void | pyne::_load_scattering_lengths () |
double | pyne::b (char *nuc) |
double | pyne::b (int nuc) |
double | pyne::b (std::string nuc) |
xd_complex_t | pyne::b_coherent (char *nuc) |
xd_complex_t | pyne::b_coherent (int nuc) |
xd_complex_t | pyne::b_coherent (std::string nuc) |
std::map< int, xd_complex_t > | pyne::b_coherent_map = std::map<int, xd_complex_t>() |
xd_complex_t | pyne::b_incoherent (char *nuc) |
xd_complex_t | pyne::b_incoherent (int nuc) |
xd_complex_t | pyne::b_incoherent (std::string nuc) |
std::map< int, xd_complex_t > | pyne::b_incoherent_map = std::map<int, xd_complex_t>() |
std::map< int, double > | pyne::b_map = std::map<int, double>() |
typedef struct pyne::scattering_lengths | pyne::scattering_lengths |
Fission Product Yield Data | |
void | pyne::_load_ndsfpy () |
void | pyne::_load_wimsdfpy () |
double | pyne::fpyield (char *from_nuc, char *to_nuc, int source, bool get_error) |
double | pyne::fpyield (int from_nuc, int to_nuc, int source, bool get_error) |
double | pyne::fpyield (std::pair< int, int > from_to, int source, bool get_error) |
double | pyne::fpyield (std::string from_nuc, std::string to_nuc, int source, bool get_error) |
typedef struct pyne::ndsfpy | pyne::ndsfpy |
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, ndsfpysub > | pyne::ndsfpy_data |
typedef struct pyne::ndsfpysub | pyne::ndsfpysub |
typedef struct pyne::wimsdfpy | pyne::wimsdfpy |
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, double > | pyne::wimsdfpy_data |
Decay Data | |
template<typename T > | |
void | pyne::_load_data () |
template<> | |
void | pyne::_load_data< alpha > () |
template<> | |
void | pyne::_load_data< atomic > () |
template<> | |
void | pyne::_load_data< beta > () |
template<> | |
void | pyne::_load_data< decay > () |
template<> | |
void | pyne::_load_data< ecbp > () |
template<> | |
void | pyne::_load_data< gamma > () |
template<> | |
void | pyne::_load_data< level_data > () |
typedef struct pyne::alpha | pyne::alpha |
std::vector< int > | pyne::alpha_child (double energy, double error) |
std::vector< int > | pyne::alpha_child (int parent) |
std::map< std::pair< int, double >, alpha > | pyne::alpha_data |
std::vector< double > | pyne::alpha_energy (int parent) |
std::vector< double > | pyne::alpha_intensity (int parent) |
std::vector< int > | pyne::alpha_parent (double energy, double error) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::alphas (int parent_state_id) |
typedef struct pyne::atomic | pyne::atomic |
std::map< int, atomic > | pyne::atomic_data_map |
typedef struct pyne::beta | pyne::beta |
std::vector< double > | pyne::beta_average_energy (int parent) |
std::vector< int > | pyne::beta_child (double energy, double error) |
std::vector< int > | pyne::beta_child (int parent) |
std::map< std::pair< int, double >, beta > | pyne::beta_data |
std::vector< double > | pyne::beta_endpoint_energy (int parent) |
std::vector< double > | pyne::beta_intensity (int parent) |
std::vector< int > | pyne::beta_parent (double energy, double error) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::betas (int parent_state_id) |
std::vector< double > | pyne::bp_intensity (int parent) |
double | pyne::branch_ratio (char *from_nuc, char *to_nuc) |
double | pyne::branch_ratio (int from_nuc, int to_nuc) |
double | pyne::branch_ratio (std::pair< int, int > from_to) |
double | pyne::branch_ratio (std::string from_nuc, std::string to_nuc) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::calculate_xray_data (int z, double k_conv, double l_conv) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
std::vector< T > | pyne::data_access (double emin, double emax, size_t valoffset, std::map< std::pair< int, double >, U > &data) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
std::vector< T > | pyne::data_access (int parent, double min, double max, size_t valoffset, std::map< std::pair< int, double >, U > &data) |
template<typename U > | |
double | pyne::data_access (int parent, size_t valoffset, std::map< int, U > &data) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
std::vector< T > | pyne::data_access (int parent, size_t valoffset, std::map< std::pair< int, int >, U > &data) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
std::vector< T > | pyne::data_access (int parent, size_t valoffset, std::map< std::pair< int, unsigned int >, U > &data) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
T | pyne::data_access (std::pair< int, int > from_to, size_t valoffset, std::map< std::pair< int, int >, U > &data) |
typedef struct pyne::decay | pyne::decay |
std::pair< double, double > | pyne::decay_beta_branch_ratio (std::pair< int, int >) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::decay_beta_branch_ratios (int parent) |
std::pair< double, double > | pyne::decay_branch_ratio (std::pair< int, int >) |
std::vector< double > | pyne::decay_branch_ratios (int parent) |
std::set< int > | pyne::decay_children (char *nuc) |
std::set< int > | pyne::decay_children (int nuc) |
std::set< int > | pyne::decay_children (std::string nuc) |
double | pyne::decay_const (char *nuc) |
double | pyne::decay_const (int nuc) |
double | pyne::decay_const (std::string nuc) |
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, decay > | pyne::decay_data |
std::vector< int > | pyne::decay_data_children (int parent) |
std::pair< double, double > | pyne::decay_half_life (std::pair< int, int >) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::decay_half_lifes (int) |
std::pair< double, double > | pyne::decay_photon_branch_ratio (std::pair< int, int >) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::decay_photon_branch_ratios (int parent) |
std::vector< double > | pyne::ec_intensity (int parent) |
typedef struct pyne::ecbp | pyne::ecbp |
std::vector< double > | pyne::ecbp_average_energy (int parent) |
std::vector< int > | pyne::ecbp_child (double energy, double error) |
std::vector< int > | pyne::ecbp_child (int parent) |
std::map< std::pair< int, double >, ecbp > | pyne::ecbp_data |
std::vector< double > | pyne::ecbp_endpoint_energy (int parent) |
std::vector< int > | pyne::ecbp_parent (double energy, double error) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::ecbp_xrays (int parent) |
typedef struct pyne::gamma | pyne::gamma |
std::vector< int > | pyne::gamma_child (double energy, double error) |
std::vector< int > | pyne::gamma_child (int parent) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::gamma_conversion_intensity (int parent) |
std::map< std::pair< int, double >, gamma > | pyne::gamma_data |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::gamma_energy (double energy, double error) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::gamma_energy (int parent) |
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > | pyne::gamma_from_to (double energy, double error) |
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > | pyne::gamma_from_to (int parent) |
std::vector< int > | pyne::gamma_parent (double energy, double error) |
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > | pyne::gamma_parent_child (double energy, double error) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::gamma_photon_intensity (double energy, double error) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::gamma_photon_intensity (int parent) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::gamma_total_intensity (int parent) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::gamma_xrays (int parent) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::gammas (int parent_state_id) |
double | pyne::half_life (char *nuc) |
double | pyne::half_life (int nuc) |
double | pyne::half_life (std::string nuc) |
int | pyne::id_from_level (int nuc, double level) |
int | pyne::id_from_level (int nuc, double level, std::string special) |
typedef struct pyne::level_data | pyne::level_data |
std::map< std::pair< int, double >, level_data > | pyne::level_data_lvl_map |
std::map< std::pair< int, unsigned int >, level_data > | pyne::level_data_rx_map |
int | pyne::metastable_id (int nuc) |
int | pyne::metastable_id (int nuc, int m) |
double | pyne::state_energy (char *nuc) |
double | pyne::state_energy (int nuc) |
double | pyne::state_energy (std::string nuc) |
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > | pyne::xrays (int parent) |
Natural Abundance Data | |
double | pyne::natural_abund (char *nuc) |
double | pyne::natural_abund (int nuc) |
double | pyne::natural_abund (std::string nuc) |
std::map< int, double > | pyne::natural_abund_map = std::map<int, double>() |
Json-cpp amalgated header (http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/).
It is intented to be used with #include <json.h>
#define JSON_API |
Json-cpp amalgated forward header (http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/).
It is intented to be used with #include <json/json-forwards.h> This header provides forward declaration for all JsonCpp types.
If defined, indicates that json library is embedded in CppTL library.
If defined, indicates that json may leverage CppTL library If defined, indicates that cpptl vector based map should be used instead of std::map as Value container. If defined, indicates that Json specific container should be used (hash table & simple deque container with customizable allocator). THIS FEATURE IS STILL EXPERIMENTAL! There is know bugs: See #3177332 Force usage of standard new/malloc based allocator instead of memory pool based allocator. The memory pools allocator used optimization (initializing Value and ValueInternalLink as if it was a POD) that may cause some validation tool to report errors. Only has effects if JSON_VALUE_USE_INTERNAL_MAP is defined. If defined, indicates that Json use exception to report invalid type manipulation instead of C assert macro.
#define NUM_RX_NAMES 572 |
The ever-important material class and related helpers.
The material class is effectively a normalized nuclide linked list with associated mass, density, atoms per mol, and metadata. However, this implementation also contains other functions for mixing materials and generating related materials.