No Matches
pyne Namespace Reference


namespace  decayers
namespace  enrichment
namespace  nucname
namespace  rxname


struct  alpha
struct  atomic
struct  atomic_mass_data
struct  beta
struct  decay
struct  dose
struct  ecbp
class  FileNotFound
struct  gamma
class  InvalidSimpleXS
struct  level_data
class  Material
struct  material_data
class  MaterialProtocolError
struct  ndsfpy
struct  ndsfpysub
struct  q_val_data
struct  scattering_lengths
class  swapmapcompare
struct  wimsdfpy


typedef comp_map::iterator comp_iter
typedef std::map< int, double > comp_map
typedef struct pyne::material_data material_data


void _insert_abund_map ()
void _insert_atomic_mass_map ()
void _load_atomic_mass_map_memory ()
std::string capitalize (std::string s)
bool contains_substring (std::string s, std::string substr)
double coth (double x)
double endftod_cpp (char *s)
double endftod_f (char *s)
bool file_exists (std::string strfilename)
std::string get_flag (char line[], int max_l)
std::string last_char (std::string s)
std::string natural_naming (std::string name)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Material mat)
void pyne_start ()
std::string remove_characters (std::string s, std::string chars)
std::string remove_substring (std::string s, std::string substr)
std::string replace_all_substrings (std::string s, std::string substr, std::string repstr)
double simple_xs (int nuc, int rx, std::string energy)
double simple_xs (int nuc, std::string rx, std::string energy)
double simple_xs (std::string nuc, int rx, std::string energy)
double simple_xs (std::string nuc, std::string rx, std::string energy)
std::string slice_from_end (std::string s, int n=-1, int l=1)
double slope (double x2, double y2, double x1, double y1)
double solve_line (double x, double x2, double y2, double x1, double y1)
double tanh (double x)
bool ternary_ge (int a, int b, int c)
double to_dbl (std::string s)
int to_int (std::string s)
std::string to_lower (std::string s)
std::string to_upper (std::string s)
bool toggle_warnings ()
void use_fast_endftod ()
void warning (std::string s)
String Conversion Functions

Converts the variables of various types to their C++ string representation.

std::string to_str (int t)
std::string to_str (unsigned int t)
std::string to_str (double t)
std::string to_str (bool t)


static std::string alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
std::map< int, double > atomic_mass_error_map
std::map< std::string, std::string > data_checksums
static std::string digits = "0123456789"
double(* endftod )(char *s) = &pyne::endftod_f
static int FLUKA_MAT_NUM = 37
static std::string fluka_mat_strings []
std::string NUC_DATA_PATH = ""
std::string PYNE_DATA = ""
std::map< std::string, std::map< int, std::map< int, double > > > simple_xs_map
bool USE_WARNINGS = true
static std::string words = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_"
Mathematical and Physical Constants
const double pi = 3.14159265359
const double N_A = 6.0221415e+23
const double barns_per_cm2 = 1e24
const double cm2_per_barn = 1e-24
const double sec_per_day = 24.0 * 3600.0
const double MeV_per_K = 8.617343e-11
const double MeV_per_MJ = 6.2415096471204E+18
const double Bq_per_Ci = 3.7e10
const double Ci_per_Bq = 2.7027027e-11

Atomic Mass Data

typedef struct pyne::atomic_mass_data atomic_mass_data
std::map< int, double > atomic_mass_map = std::map<int, double>()
std::map< std::string, std::string > get_data_checksums ()
void _load_atomic_mass_map ()
double atomic_mass (int nuc)
double atomic_mass (char *nuc)
double atomic_mass (std::string nuc)

Q_value Data

typedef struct pyne::q_val_data q_val_data
std::map< int, double > q_val_map = std::map<int, double>()
std::map< int, double > gamma_frac_map = std::map<int, double>()
void _load_q_val_map ()
double q_val (int nuc)
double q_val (const char *nuc)
double q_val (std::string nuc)
double gamma_frac (int nuc)
double gamma_frac (const char *nuc)
double gamma_frac (std::string nuc)

Dose Factor Data

typedef struct pyne::dose dose
std::map< int, doseepa_dose_map
std::map< int, dosedoe_dose_map
std::map< int, dosegenii_dose_map
void _load_dose_map (std::map< int, dose > &dm, std::string source_path)
double ext_air_dose (int nuc, int source)
double ext_air_dose (const char *nuc, int source)
double ext_air_dose (std::string nuc, int source)
double ext_soil_dose (int nuc, int source)
double ext_soil_dose (const char *nuc, int source)
double ext_soil_dose (std::string nuc, int source)
double ingest_dose (int nuc, int source)
double ingest_dose (const char *nuc, int source)
double ingest_dose (std::string nuc, int source)
double inhale_dose (int nuc, int source)
double inhale_dose (const char *nuc, int source)
double inhale_dose (std::string nuc, int source)
double dose_ratio (int nuc, int source)
double dose_ratio (const char *nuc, int source)
double dose_ratio (std::string nuc, int source)
double dose_fluid_frac (int nuc, int source)
double dose_fluid_frac (const char *nuc, int source)
double dose_fluid_frac (std::string nuc, int source)
std::string dose_lung_model (int nuc, int source)
std::string dose_lung_model (const char *nuc, int source)
std::string dose_lung_model (std::string nuc, int source)

Scattering Length Data

typedef struct pyne::scattering_lengths scattering_lengths
std::map< int, xd_complex_tb_coherent_map = std::map<int, xd_complex_t>()
std::map< int, xd_complex_tb_incoherent_map = std::map<int, xd_complex_t>()
std::map< int, double > b_map = std::map<int, double>()
void _load_scattering_lengths ()
xd_complex_t b_coherent (int nuc)
xd_complex_t b_coherent (char *nuc)
xd_complex_t b_coherent (std::string nuc)
xd_complex_t b_incoherent (int nuc)
xd_complex_t b_incoherent (char *nuc)
xd_complex_t b_incoherent (std::string nuc)
double b (int nuc)
double b (char *nuc)
double b (std::string nuc)

Fission Product Yield Data

typedef struct pyne::wimsdfpy wimsdfpy
typedef struct pyne::ndsfpy ndsfpy
typedef struct pyne::ndsfpysub ndsfpysub
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, double > wimsdfpy_data
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, ndsfpysubndsfpy_data
void _load_wimsdfpy ()
void _load_ndsfpy ()
double fpyield (std::pair< int, int > from_to, int source, bool get_error)
double fpyield (int from_nuc, int to_nuc, int source, bool get_error)
double fpyield (char *from_nuc, char *to_nuc, int source, bool get_error)
double fpyield (std::string from_nuc, std::string to_nuc, int source, bool get_error)

Decay Data

typedef struct pyne::atomic atomic
typedef struct pyne::level_data level_data
typedef struct pyne::decay decay
typedef struct pyne::gamma gamma
typedef struct pyne::alpha alpha
typedef struct pyne::beta beta
typedef struct pyne::ecbp ecbp
std::map< int, atomicatomic_data_map
std::map< std::pair< int, double >, level_datalevel_data_lvl_map
std::map< std::pair< int, unsigned int >, level_datalevel_data_rx_map
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, decaydecay_data
std::map< std::pair< int, double >, gammagamma_data
std::map< std::pair< int, double >, alphaalpha_data
std::map< std::pair< int, double >, betabeta_data
std::map< std::pair< int, double >, ecbpecbp_data
template<typename T , typename U >
std::vector< T > data_access (double emin, double emax, size_t valoffset, std::map< std::pair< int, double >, U > &data)
template<typename T , typename U >
std::vector< T > data_access (int parent, double min, double max, size_t valoffset, std::map< std::pair< int, double >, U > &data)
template<typename T , typename U >
data_access (std::pair< int, int > from_to, size_t valoffset, std::map< std::pair< int, int >, U > &data)
template<typename T , typename U >
std::vector< T > data_access (int parent, size_t valoffset, std::map< std::pair< int, int >, U > &data)
template<typename T , typename U >
std::vector< T > data_access (int parent, size_t valoffset, std::map< std::pair< int, unsigned int >, U > &data)
template<typename U >
double data_access (int parent, size_t valoffset, std::map< int, U > &data)
template<typename T >
void _load_data ()
void _load_data< atomic > ()
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > calculate_xray_data (int z, double k_conv, double l_conv)
void _load_data< level_data > ()
int id_from_level (int nuc, double level)
int id_from_level (int nuc, double level, std::string special)
int metastable_id (int nuc, int m)
int metastable_id (int nuc)
double half_life (int nuc)
double half_life (char *nuc)
double half_life (std::string nuc)
double decay_const (int nuc)
double decay_const (char *nuc)
double decay_const (std::string nuc)
double branch_ratio (std::pair< int, int > from_to)
double branch_ratio (int from_nuc, int to_nuc)
double branch_ratio (char *from_nuc, char *to_nuc)
double branch_ratio (std::string from_nuc, std::string to_nuc)
double state_energy (int nuc)
double state_energy (char *nuc)
double state_energy (std::string nuc)
std::set< int > decay_children (int nuc)
std::set< int > decay_children (char *nuc)
std::set< int > decay_children (std::string nuc)
void _load_data< decay > ()
std::vector< int > decay_data_children (int parent)
std::pair< double, double > decay_half_life (std::pair< int, int >)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > decay_half_lifes (int)
std::pair< double, double > decay_branch_ratio (std::pair< int, int >)
std::vector< double > decay_branch_ratios (int parent)
std::pair< double, double > decay_photon_branch_ratio (std::pair< int, int >)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > decay_photon_branch_ratios (int parent)
std::pair< double, double > decay_beta_branch_ratio (std::pair< int, int >)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > decay_beta_branch_ratios (int parent)
void _load_data< gamma > ()
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > gamma_energy (int parent)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > gamma_energy (double energy, double error)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > gamma_photon_intensity (int parent)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > gamma_photon_intensity (double energy, double error)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > gamma_conversion_intensity (int parent)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > gamma_total_intensity (int parent)
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > gamma_from_to (int parent)
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > gamma_from_to (double energy, double error)
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > gamma_parent_child (double energy, double error)
std::vector< int > gamma_parent (double energy, double error)
std::vector< int > gamma_child (double energy, double error)
std::vector< int > gamma_child (int parent)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > gamma_xrays (int parent)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > gammas (int parent_state_id)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > alphas (int parent_state_id)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > betas (int parent_state_id)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > xrays (int parent)
void _load_data< alpha > ()
std::vector< double > alpha_energy (int parent)
std::vector< double > alpha_intensity (int parent)
std::vector< int > alpha_parent (double energy, double error)
std::vector< int > alpha_child (double energy, double error)
std::vector< int > alpha_child (int parent)
void _load_data< beta > ()
std::vector< double > beta_endpoint_energy (int parent)
std::vector< double > beta_average_energy (int parent)
std::vector< double > beta_intensity (int parent)
std::vector< int > beta_parent (double energy, double error)
std::vector< int > beta_child (double energy, double error)
std::vector< int > beta_child (int parent)
void _load_data< ecbp > ()
std::vector< double > ecbp_endpoint_energy (int parent)
std::vector< double > ecbp_average_energy (int parent)
std::vector< double > ec_intensity (int parent)
std::vector< double > bp_intensity (int parent)
std::vector< int > ecbp_parent (double energy, double error)
std::vector< int > ecbp_child (double energy, double error)
std::vector< int > ecbp_child (int parent)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > ecbp_xrays (int parent)

Natural Abundance Data

std::map< int, double > natural_abund_map = std::map<int, double>()
double natural_abund (int nuc)
double natural_abund (char *nuc)
double natural_abund (std::string nuc)

Detailed Description

The 'pyne' namespace all PyNE functionality is included in.

\/file atomic_nuclear_data.h \/author Andrew Davis (

\/brief Impliments all the fundamental atomic & nuclear data data

Typedef Documentation

◆ alpha

typedef struct pyne::alpha pyne::alpha

a struct matching the '/decay/alphas' table in nuc_data.h5.

◆ atomic

typedef struct pyne::atomic pyne::atomic

Structure for atomic data.

◆ atomic_mass_data

typedef struct pyne::atomic_mass_data pyne::atomic_mass_data

a struct matching the atomic_mass table in nuc_data.h5.

◆ beta

typedef struct pyne::beta pyne::beta

a struct matching the '/decay/betas' table in nuc_data.h5.

◆ comp_iter

typedef comp_map::iterator pyne::comp_iter

Nuclide-mass composition iter type.

Definition at line 4777 of file pyne.h.

◆ comp_map

typedef std::map<int, double> pyne::comp_map

Nuclide-mass composition map type.

Definition at line 4776 of file pyne.h.

◆ decay

typedef struct pyne::decay pyne::decay

a struct matching the '/decay/decays' table in nuc_data.h5.

◆ dose

typedef struct pyne::dose pyne::dose

A struct matching the dose factor table in nuc_data.h5.

◆ ecbp

typedef struct pyne::ecbp pyne::ecbp

A struct matching the '/decay/ecbp' table in nuc_data.h5.

◆ gamma

typedef struct pyne::gamma pyne::gamma

a struct matching the '/decay/gammas' table in nuc_data.h5.

◆ level_data

typedef struct pyne::level_data pyne::level_data

a struct matching the '/decay/level_list' table in nuc_data.h5.

◆ material_data

typedef struct pyne::material_data pyne::material_data

A stuct for reprensenting fundemental data in a material.

Useful for HDF5 representations.

◆ ndsfpy

typedef struct pyne::ndsfpy pyne::ndsfpy

a struct matching the '/neutron/nds_fission_product' table in nuc_data.h5

◆ ndsfpysub

typedef struct pyne::ndsfpysub pyne::ndsfpysub

a struct for the nds data for fpyield

◆ q_val_data

typedef struct pyne::q_val_data pyne::q_val_data

a struct matching the q_value table in nuc_data.h5.

◆ scattering_lengths

typedef struct pyne::scattering_lengths pyne::scattering_lengths

a struct matching the '/neutron/scattering_lengths' table in nuc_data.h5.

◆ wimsdfpy

typedef struct pyne::wimsdfpy pyne::wimsdfpy

a struct matching the '/neutron/wimsd_fission_product' table in nuc_data.h5.

Function Documentation

◆ _insert_abund_map()

void pyne::_insert_abund_map ( )

function to create mapping from nuclides in id form to their natural abundances

Definition at line 10048 of file

◆ _insert_atomic_mass_map()

void pyne::_insert_atomic_mass_map ( )

function to create mapping from nuclides in id form to their atomic masses

Definition at line 6693 of file

◆ _load_atomic_mass_map()

void pyne::_load_atomic_mass_map ( )

Loads the atomic mass and natural abundance data from the nuc_data.h5 file into memory.

Definition at line 10392 of file

◆ _load_atomic_mass_map_memory()

void pyne::_load_atomic_mass_map_memory ( )

main function to be called when you whish to load the nuclide data into memory

Definition at line 6658 of file

◆ _load_data()

template<typename T >
void pyne::_load_data ( )

◆ _load_data< alpha >()

void pyne::_load_data< alpha > ( )

Loads the alpha decay data from the nuc_data.h5 file into memory.

◆ _load_data< atomic >()

void pyne::_load_data< atomic > ( )

◆ _load_data< beta >()

void pyne::_load_data< beta > ( )

Loads the beta decay data from the nuc_data.h5 file into memory.

◆ _load_data< decay >()

void pyne::_load_data< decay > ( )

Loads the decay data from the nuc_data.h5 file into memory.

◆ _load_data< ecbp >()

void pyne::_load_data< ecbp > ( )

Loads the electron capture and beta plus decay data from the nuc_data.h5 file into memory.

◆ _load_data< gamma >()

void pyne::_load_data< gamma > ( )

Loads the gamma ray data from the nuc_data.h5 file into memory.

◆ _load_data< level_data >()

void pyne::_load_data< level_data > ( )

◆ _load_dose_map()

void pyne::_load_dose_map ( std::map< int, dose > & dm,
std::string source_path )

Loads the dose factor data from the nuc_data.h5 file into memory according to the user-input source.

Definition at line 10704 of file

◆ _load_ndsfpy()

void pyne::_load_ndsfpy ( )

Loads the NDS fission product yield data from the nuc_data.h5 file into memory.

Definition at line 11271 of file

◆ _load_q_val_map()

void pyne::_load_q_val_map ( )

Loads the q_value data from the nuc_data.h5 file into memory.

Definition at line 10558 of file

◆ _load_scattering_lengths()

void pyne::_load_scattering_lengths ( )

Loads the scattering length data from the nuc_data.h5 file into memory.

Definition at line 10982 of file

◆ _load_wimsdfpy()

void pyne::_load_wimsdfpy ( )

Loads the WIMSD fission product yield data from the nuc_data.h5 file into memory.

Definition at line 11220 of file

◆ alpha_child() [1/2]

std::vector< int > pyne::alpha_child ( double energy,
double error )

Definition at line 12469 of file

◆ alpha_child() [2/2]

std::vector< int > pyne::alpha_child ( int parent)

Definition at line 12474 of file

◆ alpha_energy()

std::vector< double > pyne::alpha_energy ( int parent)

Definition at line 12455 of file

◆ alpha_intensity()

std::vector< double > pyne::alpha_intensity ( int parent)

Definition at line 12459 of file

◆ alpha_parent()

std::vector< int > pyne::alpha_parent ( double energy,
double error )

Definition at line 12464 of file

◆ alphas()

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::alphas ( int parent_state_id)

Definition at line 12724 of file

◆ atomic_mass() [1/3]

double pyne::atomic_mass ( char * nuc)

Returns the atomic mass of a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 10484 of file

◆ atomic_mass() [2/3]

double pyne::atomic_mass ( int nuc)

Returns the atomic mass of a nuclide nuc.

This function will first try to find the atomic mass data in the atomic_mass_map. If this map is empty, it will load the data from disk. If the nuclide is in an excited state and not found in the map, it will give the value for the ground state nuclide. If the nuclide simply cannot be found, the A number is returned.

Definition at line 10440 of file

◆ atomic_mass() [3/3]

double pyne::atomic_mass ( std::string nuc)

Returns the atomic mass of a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 10490 of file

◆ b() [1/3]

double pyne::b ( char * nuc)

Computes the scattering length [cm] from the coherent and incoherent components.

Definition at line 11201 of file

◆ b() [2/3]

double pyne::b ( int nuc)

Computes the scattering length [cm] from the coherent and incoherent components.

Definition at line 11180 of file

◆ b() [3/3]

double pyne::b ( std::string nuc)

Computes the scattering length [cm] from the coherent and incoherent components.

Definition at line 11207 of file

◆ b_coherent() [1/3]

xd_complex_t pyne::b_coherent ( char * nuc)

Finds the coherent scattering length [cm] for a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 11093 of file

◆ b_coherent() [2/3]

xd_complex_t pyne::b_coherent ( int nuc)

Finds the coherent scattering length [cm] for a nuclide nuc.

This function works by first checking the b_coherent_map. If the map is empty then the data is read in from disk. If no data is found than a value from a nuclide with the same A number is returned instead. If none of these exist, then the value of a nuclide with the same Z number is used. If none of these work then 0.0 is returned.

Definition at line 11039 of file

◆ b_coherent() [3/3]

xd_complex_t pyne::b_coherent ( std::string nuc)

Finds the coherent scattering length [cm] for a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 11099 of file

◆ b_incoherent() [1/3]

xd_complex_t pyne::b_incoherent ( char * nuc)

Finds the incoherent scattering length [cm] for a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 11165 of file

◆ b_incoherent() [2/3]

xd_complex_t pyne::b_incoherent ( int nuc)

Finds the incoherent scattering length [cm] for a nuclide nuc.

This function works in the same way that b_coherent() does.

Definition at line 11111 of file

◆ b_incoherent() [3/3]

xd_complex_t pyne::b_incoherent ( std::string nuc)

Finds the incoherent scattering length [cm] for a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 11170 of file

◆ beta_average_energy()

std::vector< double > pyne::beta_average_energy ( int parent)

Definition at line 12538 of file

◆ beta_child() [1/2]

std::vector< int > pyne::beta_child ( double energy,
double error )

Definition at line 12553 of file

◆ beta_child() [2/2]

std::vector< int > pyne::beta_child ( int parent)

Definition at line 12558 of file

◆ beta_endpoint_energy()

std::vector< double > pyne::beta_endpoint_energy ( int parent)

Definition at line 12533 of file

◆ beta_intensity()

std::vector< double > pyne::beta_intensity ( int parent)

Definition at line 12543 of file

◆ beta_parent()

std::vector< int > pyne::beta_parent ( double energy,
double error )

Definition at line 12548 of file

◆ betas()

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::betas ( int parent_state_id)

Definition at line 12743 of file

◆ bp_intensity()

std::vector< double > pyne::bp_intensity ( int parent)

Definition at line 12640 of file

◆ branch_ratio() [1/4]

double pyne::branch_ratio ( char * from_nuc,
char * to_nuc )

Returns the branch ratio for a parent/child nuclide pair.

Definition at line 12003 of file

◆ branch_ratio() [2/4]

double pyne::branch_ratio ( int from_nuc,
int to_nuc )

Returns the branch ratio for a parent/child nuclide pair.

Definition at line 11998 of file

◆ branch_ratio() [3/4]

double pyne::branch_ratio ( std::pair< int, int > from_to)

Returns the branch ratio for a parent/child nuclide pair.

This function works by first checking the branch_ratio_map. If this is empty it loads the data from disk. If the parent/child nuclide pair is still not found, then the decay is assumed to be impossible and 0.0 is returned.

Definition at line 11964 of file

◆ branch_ratio() [4/4]

double pyne::branch_ratio ( std::string from_nuc,
std::string to_nuc )

Returns the branch ratio for a parent/child nuclide pair.

Definition at line 12008 of file

◆ calculate_xray_data()

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::calculate_xray_data ( int z,
double k_conv,
double l_conv )

Definition at line 11666 of file

◆ capitalize()

std::string pyne::capitalize ( std::string s)

Returns a capitalized copy of the string.

Definition at line 231 of file

◆ contains_substring()

bool pyne::contains_substring ( std::string s,
std::string substr )

Returns true if substr is in s.

Definition at line 311 of file

◆ coth()

double pyne::coth ( double x)

The hyperbolic cotangent function.

Definition at line 368 of file

◆ data_access() [1/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
std::vector< T > pyne::data_access ( double emin,
double emax,
size_t valoffset,
std::map< std::pair< int, double >, U > & data )

Access data in a std::map<std::pair<int, double> for a range of values of the second member of the pair.

Returns a vector of all values at valoffset of class U of type T f

Definition at line 11424 of file

◆ data_access() [2/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
std::vector< T > pyne::data_access ( int parent,
double min,
double max,
size_t valoffset,
std::map< std::pair< int, double >, U > & data )

Access data in a std::map<std::pair<int, double> for a given value of the first member of the pair.

Returns a vector of all values at valoffset of class U of type T

Definition at line 11455 of file

◆ data_access() [3/6]

template<typename U >
double pyne::data_access ( int parent,
size_t valoffset,
std::map< int, U > & data )

Access data in a std::map<int, data> format for a given first member of the pair.

Returns the value at valoffset of the matching datapoint.

Definition at line 11546 of file

◆ data_access() [4/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
std::vector< T > pyne::data_access ( int parent,
size_t valoffset,
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, U > & data )

Access data in a std::map<std::pair<int, int> for a given value of the first member of the pair.

Returns an array of the values at valoffset of class U of type T

Definition at line 11501 of file

◆ data_access() [5/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
std::vector< T > pyne::data_access ( int parent,
size_t valoffset,
std::map< std::pair< int, unsigned int >, U > & data )

Definition at line 11523 of file

◆ data_access() [6/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
T pyne::data_access ( std::pair< int, int > from_to,
size_t valoffset,
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, U > & data )

Access data in a std::map<std::pair<int, int> for a given matching pair.

Returns the value at valoffset of class U of type T

Definition at line 11478 of file

◆ decay_beta_branch_ratio()

std::pair< double, double > pyne::decay_beta_branch_ratio ( std::pair< int, int > from_to)

Definition at line 12136 of file

◆ decay_beta_branch_ratios()

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::decay_beta_branch_ratios ( int parent)

Definition at line 12144 of file

◆ decay_branch_ratio()

std::pair< double, double > pyne::decay_branch_ratio ( std::pair< int, int > from_to)

Definition at line 12104 of file

◆ decay_branch_ratios()

std::vector< double > pyne::decay_branch_ratios ( int parent)

Definition at line 12110 of file

◆ decay_children() [1/3]

std::set< int > pyne::decay_children ( char * nuc)

Returns the decay constant for a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 11875 of file

◆ decay_children() [2/3]

std::set< int > pyne::decay_children ( int nuc)

Returns a set of decay children of a nuc.

This function works by first checking decay_chidlren_map. If this is empty it loads the data from disk. If the nuclide is still not found, then the species is assumed to be stable and an empty set is returned.

Definition at line 11843 of file

◆ decay_children() [3/3]

std::set< int > pyne::decay_children ( std::string nuc)

Returns the decay constant for a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 11880 of file

◆ decay_const() [1/3]

double pyne::decay_const ( char * nuc)

Returns the decay constant for a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 11925 of file

◆ decay_const() [2/3]

double pyne::decay_const ( int nuc)

Returns the decay constant for a nuclide nuc.

This function works by first checking the decay_const_map. If this is empty it loads the data from disk. If the nuclide is still not found, then the species is assumed to be stable and 0.0 is returned.

Definition at line 11914 of file

◆ decay_const() [3/3]

double pyne::decay_const ( std::string nuc)

Returns the decay constant for a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 11931 of file

◆ decay_data_children()

std::vector< int > pyne::decay_data_children ( int parent)

Definition at line 12080 of file

◆ decay_half_life()

std::pair< double, double > pyne::decay_half_life ( std::pair< int, int > from_to)

Definition at line 12086 of file

◆ decay_half_lifes()

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::decay_half_lifes ( int parent)

Definition at line 12092 of file

◆ decay_photon_branch_ratio()

std::pair< double, double > pyne::decay_photon_branch_ratio ( std::pair< int, int > from_to)

Definition at line 12115 of file

◆ decay_photon_branch_ratios()

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::decay_photon_branch_ratios ( int parent)

Definition at line 12123 of file

◆ dose_fluid_frac() [1/3]

double pyne::dose_fluid_frac ( const char * nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10913 of file

◆ dose_fluid_frac() [2/3]

double pyne::dose_fluid_frac ( int nuc,
int source )

Fluid Fraction.

Definition at line 10902 of file

◆ dose_fluid_frac() [3/3]

double pyne::dose_fluid_frac ( std::string nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10918 of file

◆ dose_lung_model() [1/3]

std::string pyne::dose_lung_model ( const char * nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10962 of file

◆ dose_lung_model() [2/3]

std::string pyne::dose_lung_model ( int nuc,
int source )

Lung Model.

Definition at line 10951 of file

◆ dose_lung_model() [3/3]

std::string pyne::dose_lung_model ( std::string nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10968 of file

◆ dose_ratio() [1/3]

double pyne::dose_ratio ( const char * nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10837 of file

◆ dose_ratio() [2/3]

double pyne::dose_ratio ( int nuc,
int source )

Dose Ratio.

Definition at line 10826 of file

◆ dose_ratio() [3/3]

double pyne::dose_ratio ( std::string nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10843 of file

◆ ec_intensity()

std::vector< double > pyne::ec_intensity ( int parent)

Definition at line 12635 of file

◆ ecbp_average_energy()

std::vector< double > pyne::ecbp_average_energy ( int parent)

Definition at line 12630 of file

◆ ecbp_child() [1/2]

std::vector< int > pyne::ecbp_child ( double energy,
double error )

Definition at line 12650 of file

◆ ecbp_child() [2/2]

std::vector< int > pyne::ecbp_child ( int parent)

Definition at line 12655 of file

◆ ecbp_endpoint_energy()

std::vector< double > pyne::ecbp_endpoint_energy ( int parent)

returns a list of electron capture/ beta plus decay endpoint energies from input parent nuclide

Definition at line 12625 of file

◆ ecbp_parent()

std::vector< int > pyne::ecbp_parent ( double energy,
double error )

Definition at line 12645 of file

◆ ecbp_xrays()

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::ecbp_xrays ( int parent)

Definition at line 12660 of file

◆ endftod_cpp()

double pyne::endftod_cpp ( char * s)

Converts a string from ENDF format to a float.

Only handles E-less format but is roughly 5 times faster than endftod.

Definition at line 147 of file

◆ endftod_f()

double pyne::endftod_f ( char * s)

Converts a string from ENDF format to a float.

Definition at line 202 of file

◆ ext_air_dose() [1/3]

double pyne::ext_air_dose ( const char * nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10814 of file

◆ ext_air_dose() [2/3]

double pyne::ext_air_dose ( int nuc,
int source )

Returns the dose factors of a nuclide.

Functions for External Air and Ratio of External Air to Inhalation Dose Factors.

These functions will first try to find the dose factor data in the dose_maps. If the maps are empty, it will load the data from disk. If the nuclide simply cannot be found, the default value returned is -1.

External Air

Definition at line 10803 of file

◆ ext_air_dose() [3/3]

double pyne::ext_air_dose ( std::string nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10820 of file

◆ ext_soil_dose() [1/3]

double pyne::ext_soil_dose ( const char * nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10863 of file

◆ ext_soil_dose() [2/3]

double pyne::ext_soil_dose ( int nuc,
int source )

Function for External Soil Dose Factors.

Definition at line 10852 of file

◆ ext_soil_dose() [3/3]

double pyne::ext_soil_dose ( std::string nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10869 of file

◆ file_exists()

bool pyne::file_exists ( std::string strfilename)

Returns true if the file can be found.

Definition at line 376 of file

◆ fpyield() [1/4]

double pyne::fpyield ( char * from_nuc,
char * to_nuc,
int source,
bool get_error )

Returns the fission product yield for a parent/child nuclide pair.

Definition at line 11398 of file

◆ fpyield() [2/4]

double pyne::fpyield ( int from_nuc,
int to_nuc,
int source,
bool get_error )

Returns the fission product yield for a parent/child nuclide pair.

Definition at line 11393 of file

◆ fpyield() [3/4]

double pyne::fpyield ( std::pair< int, int > from_to,
int source,
bool get_error )

Returns the fission product yield for a parent/child nuclide pair.

This function works by first checking the fission yield data. If this is empty it loads the data from disk. If the parent/child nuclide pair is still not found, then the process is assumed to be impossible and 0.0 is returned. The data source is determined by the type value as follows: 0 WIMS, 1 thermal NDS, 2 fast NDS, 3 14 MeV NDS. negative type values return error for that data type.

Definition at line 11338 of file

◆ fpyield() [4/4]

double pyne::fpyield ( std::string from_nuc,
std::string to_nuc,
int source,
bool get_error )

Returns the fission product yield for a parent/child nuclide pair.

Definition at line 11403 of file

◆ gamma_child() [1/2]

std::vector< int > pyne::gamma_child ( double energy,
double error )

Definition at line 12353 of file

◆ gamma_child() [2/2]

std::vector< int > pyne::gamma_child ( int parent)

Definition at line 12358 of file

◆ gamma_conversion_intensity()

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::gamma_conversion_intensity ( int parent)

Definition at line 12283 of file

◆ gamma_energy() [1/2]

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::gamma_energy ( double energy,
double error )

Definition at line 12244 of file

◆ gamma_energy() [2/2]

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::gamma_energy ( int parent)

Definition at line 12232 of file

◆ gamma_frac() [1/3]

double pyne::gamma_frac ( const char * nuc)

Definition at line 10678 of file

◆ gamma_frac() [2/3]

double pyne::gamma_frac ( int nuc)

Definition at line 10649 of file

◆ gamma_frac() [3/3]

double pyne::gamma_frac ( std::string nuc)

Definition at line 10684 of file

◆ gamma_from_to() [1/2]

std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > pyne::gamma_from_to ( double energy,
double error )

Definition at line 12321 of file

◆ gamma_from_to() [2/2]

std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > pyne::gamma_from_to ( int parent)

Definition at line 12309 of file

◆ gamma_parent()

std::vector< int > pyne::gamma_parent ( double energy,
double error )

Definition at line 12348 of file

◆ gamma_parent_child()

std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > pyne::gamma_parent_child ( double energy,
double error )

Definition at line 12335 of file

◆ gamma_photon_intensity() [1/2]

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::gamma_photon_intensity ( double energy,
double error )

Definition at line 12270 of file

◆ gamma_photon_intensity() [2/2]

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::gamma_photon_intensity ( int parent)

Definition at line 12257 of file

◆ gamma_total_intensity()

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::gamma_total_intensity ( int parent)

Definition at line 12296 of file

◆ gamma_xrays()

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::gamma_xrays ( int parent)

Definition at line 12363 of file

◆ gammas()

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::gammas ( int parent_state_id)

Returns a list of energies and intensities normalized to branching ratios.

Combined decay data ///.

Definition at line 12703 of file

◆ get_data_checksums()

std::map< std::string, std::string > pyne::get_data_checksums ( )

Definition at line 10371 of file

◆ get_flag()

std::string pyne::get_flag ( char line[],
int max_l )

Finds and returns the first white-space delimited token of a line.

linea character array to take the first token from.
max_lan upper bound to the length of the token. Must be 11 or less.
a the flag as a string

Definition at line 244 of file

◆ half_life() [1/3]

double pyne::half_life ( char * nuc)

Returns the half life for a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 11950 of file

◆ half_life() [2/3]

double pyne::half_life ( int nuc)

Returns the half life for a nuclide nuc.

This function works by first checking the half_life_map. If this is empty it loads the data from disk. If the nuclide is still not found, then the species is assumed to be stable and infinity is returned.

Definition at line 11940 of file

◆ half_life() [3/3]

double pyne::half_life ( std::string nuc)

Returns the half life for a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 11955 of file

◆ id_from_level() [1/2]

int pyne::id_from_level ( int nuc,
double level )

Returns the nuc_id of an energy level.

This function looks for the level that best matches the input level within 1 keV of the input nuclide

Definition at line 11806 of file

◆ id_from_level() [2/2]

int pyne::id_from_level ( int nuc,
double level,
std::string special )

Definition at line 11776 of file

◆ ingest_dose() [1/3]

double pyne::ingest_dose ( const char * nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10891 of file

◆ ingest_dose() [2/3]

double pyne::ingest_dose ( int nuc,
int source )

Functions for Ingestion Dose Factors and Fraction of activity that is absorbed by body fluids.


Definition at line 10880 of file

◆ ingest_dose() [3/3]

double pyne::ingest_dose ( std::string nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10896 of file

◆ inhale_dose() [1/3]

double pyne::inhale_dose ( const char * nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10940 of file

◆ inhale_dose() [2/3]

double pyne::inhale_dose ( int nuc,
int source )

Functions for Inhalation Dose Factors and Lung Model used to obtain dose factors.


Definition at line 10929 of file

◆ inhale_dose() [3/3]

double pyne::inhale_dose ( std::string nuc,
int source )

Definition at line 10945 of file

◆ last_char()

std::string pyne::last_char ( std::string s)

Returns the last character in a string.

Definition at line 293 of file

◆ metastable_id() [1/2]

int pyne::metastable_id ( int nuc)

Assumes the first metastable state is the desired one.

Definition at line 11834 of file

◆ metastable_id() [2/2]

int pyne::metastable_id ( int nuc,
int m )

Returns the nuc_id of a metastable state.

This function looks through the level map for a given input nuc_id to find the nuc_id corresponding to the level

Definition at line 11813 of file

◆ natural_abund() [1/3]

double pyne::natural_abund ( char * nuc)

Returns the natural abundance of a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 10541 of file

◆ natural_abund() [2/3]

double pyne::natural_abund ( int nuc)

Returns the natural abundance of a nuclide nuc.

This follows the same the basic rules for finding or computing the natural abundances as the atomic_mass() functions do. However, if the nuclide cannot be found, the default value returned is 0.0.

Definition at line 10502 of file

◆ natural_abund() [3/3]

double pyne::natural_abund ( std::string nuc)

Returns the natural abundance of a nuclide nuc.

Definition at line 10547 of file

◆ natural_naming()

std::string pyne::natural_naming ( std::string name)

Calculates a version of the string name that is also a valid variable name.

That is to say that the return value uses only word characters.

Definition at line 318 of file

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & pyne::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
Material mat )

Converts a Material to a string stream representation for canonical writing.

This operator is also defined on inheritors of std::ostream

◆ pyne_start()

void pyne::pyne_start ( )

Initializes PyNE based on environment.

Definition at line 81 of file

◆ q_val() [1/3]

double pyne::q_val ( const char * nuc)

Definition at line 10631 of file

◆ q_val() [2/3]

double pyne::q_val ( int nuc)

Returns the q_value of a nuclide nuc.

This function will first try to find the q_value data in the q_val_map. If this map is empty, it will load the data from disk. If the nuclide simply cannot be found, the default value returned is 0.0.

Definition at line 10602 of file

◆ q_val() [3/3]

double pyne::q_val ( std::string nuc)

Definition at line 10637 of file

◆ remove_characters()

std::string pyne::remove_characters ( std::string s,
std::string chars )

Removes all characters in the string chars from s.

Definition at line 272 of file

◆ remove_substring()

std::string pyne::remove_substring ( std::string s,
std::string substr )

Creates a copy of s with all instances of substr taken out.

Definition at line 261 of file

◆ replace_all_substrings()

std::string pyne::replace_all_substrings ( std::string s,
std::string substr,
std::string repstr )

Replaces all instance of substr in s with repstr.

Definition at line 281 of file

◆ simple_xs() [1/4]

double pyne::simple_xs ( int nuc,
int rx,
std::string energy )

returns the microscopic cross section in barns for the specified nuclide, reaction, and energy group.

energy must be one of: "thermal", "thermal_maxwell_ave", "resonance_integral", "fourteen_MeV", "fission_spectrum_ave".

Definition at line 12939 of file

◆ simple_xs() [2/4]

double pyne::simple_xs ( int nuc,
std::string rx,
std::string energy )

returns the microscopic cross section in barns for the specified nuclide, reaction, and energy group.

energy must be one of: "thermal", "thermal_maxwell_ave", "resonance_integral", "fourteen_MeV", "fission_spectrum_ave".

Definition at line 12965 of file

◆ simple_xs() [3/4]

double pyne::simple_xs ( std::string nuc,
int rx,
std::string energy )

returns the microscopic cross section in barns for the specified nuclide, reaction, and energy group.

energy must be one of: "thermal", "thermal_maxwell_ave", "resonance_integral", "fourteen_MeV", "fission_spectrum_ave".

Definition at line 12968 of file

◆ simple_xs() [4/4]

double pyne::simple_xs ( std::string nuc,
std::string rx,
std::string energy )

returns the microscopic cross section in barns for the specified nuclide, reaction, and energy group.

energy must be one of: "thermal", "thermal_maxwell_ave", "resonance_integral", "fourteen_MeV", "fission_spectrum_ave".

Definition at line 12971 of file

◆ slice_from_end()

std::string pyne::slice_from_end ( std::string s,
int n = -1,
int l = 1 )

Returns the slice of a string s using the negative index n and the length of the slice l.

Definition at line 299 of file

◆ slope()

double pyne::slope ( double x2,
double y2,
double x1,
double y1 )

Finds the slope of a line from the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

Definition at line 353 of file

◆ solve_line()

double pyne::solve_line ( double x,
double x2,
double y2,
double x1,
double y1 )

Solves the equation for the line y = mx + b, given x and the points that form the line: (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

Definition at line 359 of file

◆ state_energy() [1/3]

double pyne::state_energy ( char * nuc)

Returns the excitation energy [MeV] of a nuc in a given state.

Definition at line 11898 of file

◆ state_energy() [2/3]

double pyne::state_energy ( int nuc)

Returns the excitation energy [MeV] of a nuc in a given state.

This function works by first checking the state_energy_map. If this is empty it loads the data from disk. If the nuclide is still not found, then the species is assumed to be in a ground state and 0.0 is returned.

Definition at line 11889 of file

◆ state_energy() [3/3]

double pyne::state_energy ( std::string nuc)

Returns the excitation energy [MeV] of a nuc in a given state.

Definition at line 11904 of file

◆ tanh()

double pyne::tanh ( double x)

The hyperbolic tangent function.

Definition at line 364 of file

◆ ternary_ge()

bool pyne::ternary_ge ( int a,
int b,
int c )

Returns true if a <= b <= c and flase otherwise.

Definition at line 305 of file

◆ to_dbl()

double pyne::to_dbl ( std::string s)

Converts a valid string to a float using atof().

Definition at line 143 of file

◆ to_int()

int pyne::to_int ( std::string s)

Converts a string of digits to an int using atoi().

Definition at line 139 of file

◆ to_lower()

std::string pyne::to_lower ( std::string s)

Returns an all lower case copy of the string.

Definition at line 223 of file

◆ to_str() [1/4]

std::string pyne::to_str ( bool t)

Definition at line 132 of file

◆ to_str() [2/4]

std::string pyne::to_str ( double t)

Definition at line 126 of file

◆ to_str() [3/4]

std::string pyne::to_str ( int t)

Definition at line 114 of file

◆ to_str() [4/4]

std::string pyne::to_str ( unsigned int t)

Definition at line 120 of file

◆ to_upper()

std::string pyne::to_upper ( std::string s)

switches endftod to fast cpp version

Returns an all upper case copy of the string.

Definition at line 216 of file

◆ toggle_warnings()

bool pyne::toggle_warnings ( )

Toggles warnings on and off.

Definition at line 408 of file

◆ use_fast_endftod()

void pyne::use_fast_endftod ( )

Definition at line 212 of file

◆ warning()

void pyne::warning ( std::string s)

Prints a warning message.

Definition at line 413 of file

◆ xrays()

std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > pyne::xrays ( int parent)

Definition at line 12764 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ alpha_data

std::map< std::pair< int, double >, pyne::alpha > pyne::alpha_data

A vector of structs containing alpha data for access in memory.

Definition at line 12402 of file

◆ alphabet

std::string pyne::alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

uppercase alphabetical characters

Definition at line 126 of file pyne.h.

◆ atomic_data_map

std::map< int, pyne::atomic > pyne::atomic_data_map

Definition at line 11571 of file

◆ atomic_mass_error_map

std::map<int,double> pyne::atomic_mass_error_map

Mapping from nuclides in id form to the associated error in abdundance.

◆ atomic_mass_map

std::map< int, double > pyne::atomic_mass_map = std::map<int, double>()

Mapping from nuclides in id form to their atomic masses.

Definition at line 1857 of file pyne.h.

◆ b_coherent_map

std::map< int, xd_complex_t > pyne::b_coherent_map = std::map<int, xd_complex_t>()

Mapping from nuclides in id form to their coherent scattering length.

Definition at line 10977 of file

◆ b_incoherent_map

std::map< int, xd_complex_t > pyne::b_incoherent_map = std::map<int, xd_complex_t>()

Mapping from nuclides in id form to their incoherent scattering length.

Definition at line 10978 of file

◆ b_map

std::map< int, double > pyne::b_map = std::map<int, double>()

Mapping from nuclides in id form to their scattering length.

Definition at line 10979 of file

◆ barns_per_cm2

const double pyne::barns_per_cm2 = 1e24

barns per cm^2

Definition at line 10358 of file

◆ beta_data

std::map< std::pair< int, double >, pyne::beta > pyne::beta_data

A vector of structs containing beta data for access in memory.

Definition at line 12479 of file

◆ Bq_per_Ci

const double pyne::Bq_per_Ci = 3.7e10

Becquerel per Curie.

Definition at line 10363 of file

◆ Ci_per_Bq

const double pyne::Ci_per_Bq = 2.7027027e-11

Curies per Becquerel.

Definition at line 10364 of file

◆ cm2_per_barn

const double pyne::cm2_per_barn = 1e-24

cm^2 per barn

Definition at line 10359 of file

◆ data_checksums

std::map< std::string, std::string > pyne::data_checksums
Initial value:
std::map< std::string, std::string > get_data_checksums()

Mapping from nodes in nuc_data.h5 to hashes of nodes.

Definition at line 10384 of file

◆ decay_data

std::map< std::pair< int, int >, pyne::decay > pyne::decay_data
Initial value:
std::map<std::pair<int, int>, pyne::decay>()
a struct matching the '/decay/decays' table in nuc_data.h5.
Definition pyne.h:2284

Mapping from a pair of nuclides in id form to a struct containing data associated with the decay from the first to the second.

Definition at line 12013 of file

◆ digits

std::string pyne::digits = "0123456789"

string of digit characters

Definition at line 124 of file pyne.h.

◆ doe_dose_map

std::map< int, pyne::dose > pyne::doe_dose_map

Definition at line 10794 of file

◆ ecbp_data

std::map< std::pair< int, double >, pyne::ecbp > pyne::ecbp_data

A vector of structs containing ecbp data for access in memory.

Definition at line 12564 of file

◆ endftod

double(* pyne::endftod)(char *s) ( char * s) = &pyne::endftod_f

endftod function pointer. defaults to fortran

Definition at line 210 of file

◆ epa_dose_map

std::map< int, pyne::dose > pyne::epa_dose_map

Mapping from int to dose for 3 sources.

Definition at line 10793 of file


int pyne::FLUKA_MAT_NUM = 37

Definition at line 4797 of file pyne.h.

◆ fluka_mat_strings

std::string pyne::fluka_mat_strings[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 4788 of file pyne.h.

◆ gamma_data

std::map< std::pair< int, double >, pyne::gamma > pyne::gamma_data

Definition at line 12157 of file

◆ gamma_frac_map

std::map< int, double > pyne::gamma_frac_map = std::map<int, double>()

Definition at line 10647 of file

◆ genii_dose_map

std::map< int, pyne::dose > pyne::genii_dose_map

Definition at line 10795 of file

◆ level_data_lvl_map

std::map< std::pair< int, double >, pyne::level_data > pyne::level_data_lvl_map

Mapping from nuclides in id form to a struct containing data associated with that level.

Definition at line 11709 of file

◆ level_data_rx_map

std::map< std::pair< int, unsigned int >, pyne::level_data > pyne::level_data_rx_map

Definition at line 11711 of file

◆ MeV_per_K

const double pyne::MeV_per_K = 8.617343e-11

MeV per Kelvin.

Definition at line 10361 of file

◆ MeV_per_MJ

const double pyne::MeV_per_MJ = 6.2415096471204E+18

MeV per MJ.

Definition at line 10362 of file

◆ N_A

const double pyne::N_A = 6.0221415e+23

Avogadro's Number.

Definition at line 10357 of file

◆ natural_abund_map

std::map< int, double > pyne::natural_abund_map = std::map<int, double>()

Mapping from nuclides in id form to their natural abundances.

Definition at line 1892 of file pyne.h.

◆ ndsfpy_data

std::map< std::pair< int, int >, pyne::ndsfpysub > pyne::ndsfpy_data
Initial value:
std::map<std::pair<int, int>, pyne::ndsfpysub>()
a struct for the nds data for fpyield
Definition pyne.h:2077

Definition at line 11268 of file


std::string pyne::NUC_DATA_PATH = ""

Path to the nuc_data.h5 file.

Definition at line 1848 of file pyne.h.

◆ pi

const double pyne::pi = 3.14159265359

pi = 3.14159265359

Definition at line 10356 of file


std::string pyne::PYNE_DATA = ""

Path to the directory containing the PyNE data.

Definition at line 78 of file

◆ q_val_map

std::map< int, double > pyne::q_val_map = std::map<int, double>()

Mapping from nuclides in id form to their q_values and the fraction of Q that comes from gammas.

Definition at line 10600 of file

◆ sec_per_day

const double pyne::sec_per_day = 24.0 * 3600.0

seconds per day

Definition at line 10360 of file

◆ simple_xs_map

std::map< std::string, std::map< int, std::map< int, double > > > pyne::simple_xs_map

map<energy, map<nuclide, map<rx, xs> > >

Definition at line 12861 of file


bool pyne::USE_WARNINGS = true

Definition at line 406 of file

◆ wimsdfpy_data

std::map< std::pair< int, int >, double > pyne::wimsdfpy_data
Initial value:
std::map<std::pair<int, int>, double>()

Mapping from nuclides in id form to their scattering length.

Definition at line 11217 of file

◆ words

std::string pyne::words = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_"

string of all valid word characters for variable names in programing languages.

Definition at line 128 of file pyne.h.