Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include <string>
6 #include "composition.h"
7 #include "material.h"
8 #include "res_buf.h"
9 #include "trader.h"
11 namespace cyclus {
12 namespace toolkit {
14 /// MatlBuyPolicy performs semi-automatic inventory management of a material
15 /// buffer by making requests and accepting materials in an attempt to fill the
16 /// buffer fully every time step according to an (s, S) inventory policy (see
17 /// [1]).
18 ///
19 /// For simple behavior, policies virtually eliminate the need to write any code
20 /// for resource exchange. Just assign a few policies to work with a few buffers
21 /// and focus on writing the physics and other behvavior of your agent. Typical
22 /// usage goes something like this:
23 ///
24 /// @code
25 /// class YourAgent : public cyclus::Facility {
26 /// public:
27 /// ...
28 ///
29 /// void EnterNotify() {
30 /// cyclus::Facility::EnterNotify(); // always do this first
31 ///
32 /// policy_.Init(this, &inbuf_, "inbuf-label").Set(incommod, comp).Start();
33 /// }
34 /// ...
35 ///
36 /// private:
37 /// MatlBuyPolicy policy_;
38 /// ResBuf<Material> inbuf_;
39 /// ...
40 /// }
41 /// @endcode
42 ///
43 /// The policy needs to be initialized with its owning agent and the material
44 /// buffer that is is managing. It also needs to be activated by calling the
45 /// Start function for it to begin participation in resource exchange. And
46 /// don't forget to add some commodities to request by calling Set. All policy
47 /// configuration should usually occur in the agent's EnterNotify member
48 /// function.
49 ///
50 /// [1] Zheng, Yu-Sheng. "A simple proof for optimality of (s, S) policies in
51 /// infinite-horizon inventory systems." Journal of Applied Probability
52 /// (1991): 802-810.
53 ///
54 /// @warn When a policy's managing agent is deallocated, you MUST either
55 /// call the policy's Stop function or delete the policy. Otherwise SEGFAULT.
56 class MatlBuyPolicy : public Trader {
57  public:
58  /// Creates an uninitialized policy. The Init function MUST be called before
59  /// anything else is done with the policy.
60  MatlBuyPolicy();
62  virtual ~MatlBuyPolicy();
64  /// Configures the policy to keep buf filled to a certain fraction of its
65  /// capacity every time step.
66  /// @param manager the agent
67  /// @param buf the resource buffer
68  /// @param name a unique name identifying this policy
69  /// @param throughput a constraining value for total transaction quantities in
70  /// a single time step
71  /// @param fill_to the amount or fraction of inventory to order when placing
72  /// an order. This is equivalent to the S in an (s, S) inventory policy.
73  /// @param req_when_under place an request when the buf's quantity is less
74  /// than its capacity * fill_to (as a fraction). This is equivalent to the s
75  /// in an (s, S) inventory policy.
76  /// @param quantize If quantize is greater than zero, the policy will make
77  /// exclusive, integral quantize kg requests. Otherwise, single requests will
78  /// be sent to fill the buffer's empty space.
79  /// @warning, (s, S) policy values are ambiguous for buffers with a capacity
80  /// in (0, 1]. However that is a rare case.
81  /// @{
83  MatlBuyPolicy& Init(Agent* manager, ResBuf<Material>* buf, std::string name,
84  double throughput);
85  MatlBuyPolicy& Init(Agent* manager, ResBuf<Material>* buf, std::string name,
86  double fill_to, double req_when_under);
87  MatlBuyPolicy& Init(Agent* manager, ResBuf<Material>* buf, std::string name,
88  double throughput, double fill_to,
89  double req_when_under, double quantize);
90  /// @}
92  /// Instructs the policy to fill its buffer with requests on the given
93  /// commodity of composition c and the given preference. This must be called
94  /// at least once or the policy will do nothing. The policy can request on an
95  /// arbitrary number of commodities by calling Set multiple times. Re-calling
96  /// Set to modify the composition or preference of a commodity that has been
97  /// set previously is allowed.
98  /// @param commod the commodity name
99  /// @param c the composition to request for the given commodity
100  /// @param pref the preference value for the commodity
101  /// @{
102  MatlBuyPolicy& Set(std::string commod);
104  MatlBuyPolicy& Set(std::string commod, Composition::Ptr c, double pref);
105  /// @}
107  /// Registers this policy as a trader in the current simulation. This
108  /// function must be called for the policy to begin participating in resource
109  /// exchange. Init MUST be called prior to calling this function. Start is
110  /// idempotent.
111  void Start();
113  /// Unregisters this policy as a trader in the current simulation. This
114  /// function need only be called if a policy is to be stopped *during* a
115  /// simulation (it is not required to be called explicitly at the end). Stop
116  /// is idempotent.
117  void Stop();
119  /// the total amount requested
120  inline double TotalQty() const {
121  return std::min(throughput_,
122  fill_to_ * buf_->capacity() - buf_->quantity());
123  }
125  /// whether trades will be denoted as exclusive or not
126  inline bool Excl() const { return quantize_ > 0; }
128  /// the amount requested per each request
129  inline double ReqQty() const {
130  return Excl() ? quantize_ : TotalQty();
131  }
133  /// the number of requests made per each commodity
134  inline int NReq() const {
135  return Excl() ? static_cast<int>(TotalQty() / quantize_) : 1;
136  }
138  /// Returns corresponding commodities from which each material object
139  /// was received for the current time step. The data returned by this function
140  /// are ONLY valid during the Tock phase of a time step.
141  inline const std::map<Material::Ptr, std::string>& rsrc_commods() {
142  return rsrc_commods_;
143  };
145  /// Trader Methods
146  /// @{
147  virtual std::set<RequestPortfolio<Material>::Ptr> GetMatlRequests();
148  virtual void AcceptMatlTrades(
149  const std::vector<std::pair<Trade<Material>, Material::Ptr> >& resps);
150  /// }@
152  private:
153  struct CommodDetail {
154  Composition::Ptr comp;
155  double pref;
156  };
158  /// requires buf_ already set
159  void set_fill_to(double x);
160  /// requires buf_ already set
161  void set_req_when_under(double x);
162  void set_quantize(double x);
163  void set_throughput(double x);
165  ResBuf<Material>* buf_;
166  std::string name_;
167  double fill_to_, req_when_under_, quantize_, throughput_;
168  std::map<Material::Ptr, std::string> rsrc_commods_;
169  std::map<std::string, CommodDetail> commod_details_;
170 };
172 } // namespace toolkit
173 } // namespace cyclus
175 #endif
boost::shared_ptr< Composition > Ptr
Definition: composition.h:43
void Start()
Registers this policy as a trader in the current simulation.
Creates an uninitialized policy.
boost::shared_ptr< Material > Ptr
Definition: material.h:75
std::string name(int nuc)
A simple API for agents that wish to exchange resources in the simulation.
Definition: trader.h:24
int NReq() const
the number of requests made per each commodity
double ReqQty() const
the amount requested per each request
MatlBuyPolicy & Init(Agent *manager, ResBuf< Material > *buf, std::string name)
Configures the policy to keep buf filled to a certain fraction of its capacity every time step...
virtual Agent * manager()
Definition: trader.h:28
virtual std::set< RequestPortfolio< Material >::Ptr > GetMatlRequests()
Trader Methods.
MatlBuyPolicy & Set(std::string commod)
Instructs the policy to fill its buffer with requests on the given commodity of composition c and the...
void Stop()
Unregisters this policy as a trader in the current simulation.
const std::map< Material::Ptr, std::string > & rsrc_commods()
Returns corresponding commodities from which each material object was received for the current time s...
double TotalQty() const
the total amount requested
The abstract base class used by all types of agents that live and interact in a simulation.
Definition: agent.h:51
taken directly from OsiSolverInterface.cpp on 2/17/14 from
A Trade is a simple container that associates a request for a resource with a bid for that resource...
Definition: trade.h:16
virtual void AcceptMatlTrades(const std::vector< std::pair< Trade< Material >, Material::Ptr > > &resps)
default implementation for material trade acceptance
ResBuf is a helper class that provides semi-automated management of a collection of resources (e...
Definition: res_buf.h:62
MatlBuyPolicy performs semi-automatic inventory management of a material buffer by making requests an...
bool Excl() const
whether trades will be denoted as exclusive or not