No Matches
cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy Class Reference

Detailed Description

MatlBuyPolicy performs semi-automatic inventory management of a material buffer by making requests and accepting materials in an attempt to fill the buffer fully every time step according to an (s, S) inventory policy (see [1]).

For simple behavior, policies virtually eliminate the need to write any code for resource exchange. Just assign a few policies to work with a few buffers and focus on writing the physics and other behvavior of your agent. Typical usage goes something like this:

class YourAgent : public cyclus::Facility {
void EnterNotify() {
cyclus::Facility::EnterNotify(); // always do this first
policy_.Init(this, &inbuf_, "inbuf-label").Set(incommod, comp).Start();
MatlBuyPolicy policy_;
The Facility class is the abstract class/interface used by all facility agents.
Definition facility.h:68
virtual void EnterNotify()
Called to give the agent an opportunity to register for services.
MatlBuyPolicy performs semi-automatic inventory management of a material buffer by making requests an...
ResBuf is a helper class that provides semi-automated management of a collection of resources (e....
Definition res_buf.h:62
T OptionalQuery(InfileTree *tree, std::string query, T default_val)
a query method for optional parameters

The policy needs to be initialized with its owning agent and the material buffer that is is managing. It also needs to be activated by calling the Start function for it to begin participation in resource exchange. And don't forget to add some commodities to request by calling Set. All policy configuration should usually occur in the agent's EnterNotify member function.

[1] Zheng, Yu-Sheng. "A simple proof for optimality of (s, S) policies in infinite-horizon inventory systems." Journal of Applied Probability (1991): 802-810.

@warn When a policy's managing agent is deallocated, you MUST either call the policy's Stop function or delete the policy. Otherwise SEGFAULT.

Definition at line 59 of file matl_buy_policy.h.

#include <matl_buy_policy.h>

Inheritance diagram for cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy:

Public Member Functions

bool dormant (int time)
bool Excl () const
bool MakeReq () const
 MatlBuyPolicy ()
bool no_cycle_end_time ()
int NReq (double amt) const
double ReqQty (double amt) const
const std::map< Material::Ptr, std::string > & rsrc_commods ()
void Start ()
void Stop ()
double TotalAvailable () const
bool use_cumulative_capacity ()
virtual ~MatlBuyPolicy ()
MatlBuyPolicyInit (Agent *manager, ResBuf< Material > *buf, std::string name, TotalInvTracker *buf_tracker)
MatlBuyPolicyInit (Agent *manager, ResBuf< Material > *buf, std::string name, TotalInvTracker *buf_tracker, double throughput, IntDistribution::Ptr active_dist=NULL, IntDistribution::Ptr dormant_dist=NULL, DoubleDistribution::Ptr size_dist=NULL)
MatlBuyPolicyInit (Agent *manager, ResBuf< Material > *buf, std::string name, TotalInvTracker *buf_tracker, double throughput, double quantize)
MatlBuyPolicyInit (Agent *manager, ResBuf< Material > *buf, std::string name, TotalInvTracker *buf_tracker, double throughput, std::string inv_policy, double fill_behav, double req_at)
MatlBuyPolicyInit (Agent *manager, ResBuf< Material > *buf, std::string name, TotalInvTracker *buf_tracker, std::string inv_policy, double fill_behav, double req_at)
MatlBuyPolicyInit (Agent *manager, ResBuf< Material > *buf, std::string name, TotalInvTracker *buf_tracker, double throughput, double cumulative_cap, IntDistribution::Ptr)
MatlBuyPolicySet (std::string commod)
MatlBuyPolicySet (std::string commod, Composition::Ptr c)
MatlBuyPolicySet (std::string commod, Composition::Ptr c, double pref)
- Public Member Functions inherited from cyclus::Trader
virtual void AcceptProductTrades (const std::vector< std::pair< Trade< Product >, Product::Ptr > > &responses)
virtual void AdjustMatlPrefs (PrefMap< Material >::type &prefs)
virtual void AdjustProductPrefs (PrefMap< Product >::type &prefs)
virtual std::set< BidPortfolio< Material >::Ptr > GetMatlBids (CommodMap< Material >::type &commod_requests)
virtual void GetMatlTrades (const std::vector< Trade< Material > > &trades, std::vector< std::pair< Trade< Material >, Material::Ptr > > &responses)
virtual std::set< BidPortfolio< Product >::Ptr > GetProductBids (CommodMap< Product >::type &commod_requests)
virtual std::set< RequestPortfolio< Product >::Ptr > GetProductRequests ()
virtual void GetProductTrades (const std::vector< Trade< Product > > &trades, std::vector< std::pair< Trade< Product >, Product::Ptr > > &responses)
virtual Agentmanager ()
 Trader (Agent *manager)
virtual std::set< RequestPortfolio< Material >::Ptr > GetMatlRequests ()
virtual void AcceptMatlTrades (const std::vector< std::pair< Trade< Material >, Material::Ptr > > &resps)
void SetNextActiveTime ()
void SetNextDormantTime ()
double SampleRequestSize ()
void CheckActiveDormantCumulativeTimes ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from cyclus::Trader

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MatlBuyPolicy()

cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::MatlBuyPolicy ( )

Creates an uninitialized policy.

The Init function MUST be called before anything else is done with the policy.

Definition at line 16 of file

◆ ~MatlBuyPolicy()

cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::~MatlBuyPolicy ( )

Definition at line 32 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ AcceptMatlTrades()

void cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::AcceptMatlTrades ( const std::vector< std::pair< Trade< Material >, Material::Ptr > > & responses)

default implementation for material trade acceptance

Reimplemented from cyclus::Trader.

Definition at line 304 of file

◆ CheckActiveDormantCumulativeTimes()

void cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::CheckActiveDormantCumulativeTimes ( )

Definition at line 350 of file

◆ dormant()

bool cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::dormant ( int time)

Definition at line 207 of file matl_buy_policy.h.

◆ Excl()

bool cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::Excl ( ) const

whether trades will be denoted as exclusive or not

Definition at line 183 of file matl_buy_policy.h.

◆ GetMatlRequests()

std::set< RequestPortfolio< Material >::Ptr > cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::GetMatlRequests ( )

Trader Methods.

Reimplemented from cyclus::Trader.

Definition at line 259 of file

◆ Init() [1/6]

MatlBuyPolicy & cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::Init ( Agent * manager,
ResBuf< Material > * buf,
std::string name,
TotalInvTracker * buf_tracker )

Configures the policy to keep buf filled to a certain fraction of its capacity every time step.

managerthe agent
bufthe resource buffer
namea unique name identifying this policy
throughputa constraining value for total transaction quantities in a single time step
inv_policythe inventory policy to use. Options are "sS", "RQ". Each inventory policy options has two additional required parameters. An (s,S) inventory policy orders material only when the buffer is below the minimum value, s, and orders only enough to bring the buffer to the maximum value, S. An (s,S) policy allows partial orders. Set s as req_at and S as fill. An (R,Q) inventory policy requests material when the buffer is below the minimum value, R, and places an exclusive request for size Q. Set R as req_at and Q as fill.
req_at,theinventory minimum (s, and R) for (s,S) and (R,Q),. If the buffer has less than or equal to value, new material will be requested based on the policy in place.
fill_behav,thequantity govering the fill strategy for inventory policies. For (s,S), this is the maximum value, and material will be ordered up to this amount. For (R,Q), this is the quantity of material that will be ordered (exclusive).
cumulative_capthe cumulative capacity of material to be received in one active cycle. A cumulative cap inventory policy allows for a cumulative capacity of material to be received in one active cycle. Once the cumulative capacity is recieved, the agent enters a dormant period. Also requires dormant distributions using dormant_dist.
quantizeIf quantize is greater than zero, the policy will make exclusive, integral quantize kg requests. Otherwise, single requests will be sent to fill the buffer's empty space.
, (s, S) policy values are ambiguous for buffers with a capacity in (0, 1]. However that is a rare case. The following features, if used, will set the policy to so that agents cycle through "on" phases, where the buf will attemp to be filled, and "off" or dormant phases, where no requests will be made regardless of capacity. The "on" and "off" phases are sampled and rounded to the nearest integer number of time steps from a truncated normal distribution from a mean, standard deviation, min, and max value. Note that the (s, S) policy is not currently compatible with active and Active and dormant buying perionds Active parameters:
active_distan IntDistribution object that will be used to sample the number of time steps in the "on" phase. If not set, a fixed distribution with a value of 1 will be used.
dormant_distan IntDistribution object that will be used to sample the number of time steps in the "off" phase. If not set, a fixed distribution with a value of 0 will be used (no dormant, always on)
size_dista DoubleDistribution object that will be used to sample the size of the request as a fraction of the available capacity at the current time step. If not set, a fixed distribution with a value of 1.0 will be used. Note that active and dormant periods are note currently compatible with (s, S) inventory management

Definition at line 136 of file

◆ Init() [2/6]

MatlBuyPolicy & cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::Init ( Agent * manager,
ResBuf< Material > * buf,
std::string name,
TotalInvTracker * buf_tracker,
double throughput,
double cumulative_cap,
IntDistribution::Ptr  )

◆ Init() [3/6]

MatlBuyPolicy & cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::Init ( Agent * manager,
ResBuf< Material > * buf,
std::string name,
TotalInvTracker * buf_tracker,
double throughput,
double quantize )

Definition at line 163 of file

◆ Init() [4/6]

MatlBuyPolicy & cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::Init ( Agent * manager,
ResBuf< Material > * buf,
std::string name,
TotalInvTracker * buf_tracker,
double throughput,
IntDistribution::Ptr active_dist = NULL,
IntDistribution::Ptr dormant_dist = NULL,
DoubleDistribution::Ptr size_dist = NULL )

◆ Init() [5/6]

MatlBuyPolicy & cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::Init ( Agent * manager,
ResBuf< Material > * buf,
std::string name,
TotalInvTracker * buf_tracker,
double throughput,
std::string inv_policy,
double fill_behav,
double req_at )

Definition at line 176 of file

◆ Init() [6/6]

MatlBuyPolicy & cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::Init ( Agent * manager,
ResBuf< Material > * buf,
std::string name,
TotalInvTracker * buf_tracker,
std::string inv_policy,
double fill_behav,
double req_at )

Definition at line 192 of file

◆ MakeReq()

bool cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::MakeReq ( ) const

whether a request can be made

Definition at line 180 of file matl_buy_policy.h.

◆ no_cycle_end_time()

bool cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::no_cycle_end_time ( )

Definition at line 203 of file matl_buy_policy.h.

◆ NReq()

int cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::NReq ( double amt) const

the number of requests made per each commodity

Definition at line 192 of file matl_buy_policy.h.

◆ ReqQty()

double cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::ReqQty ( double amt) const

the amount requested per each request

Definition at line 187 of file matl_buy_policy.h.

◆ rsrc_commods()

const std::map< Material::Ptr, std::string > & cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::rsrc_commods ( )

Returns corresponding commodities from which each material object was received for the current time step.

The data returned by this function are ONLY valid during the Tock phase of a time step.

Definition at line 199 of file matl_buy_policy.h.

◆ SampleRequestSize()

double cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::SampleRequestSize ( )

Definition at line 346 of file

◆ Set() [1/3]

MatlBuyPolicy & cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::Set ( std::string commod)

Instructs the policy to fill its buffer with requests on the given commodity of composition c and the given preference.

This must be called at least once or the policy will do nothing. The policy can request on an arbitrary number of commodities by calling Set multiple times. Re-calling Set to modify the composition or preference of a commodity that has been set previously is allowed.

commodthe commodity name
cthe composition to request for the given commodity
prefthe preference value for the commodity

Definition at line 222 of file

◆ Set() [2/3]

MatlBuyPolicy & cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::Set ( std::string commod,
Composition::Ptr c )

Definition at line 228 of file

◆ Set() [3/3]

MatlBuyPolicy & cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::Set ( std::string commod,
Composition::Ptr c,
double pref )

Definition at line 232 of file

◆ SetNextActiveTime()

void cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::SetNextActiveTime ( )


Definition at line 328 of file

◆ SetNextDormantTime()

void cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::SetNextDormantTime ( )

Definition at line 333 of file

◆ Start()

void cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::Start ( )

Registers this policy as a trader in the current simulation.

This function must be called for the policy to begin participating in resource exchange. Init MUST be called prior to calling this function. Start is idempotent.

Definition at line 241 of file

◆ Stop()

void cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::Stop ( )

Unregisters this policy as a trader in the current simulation.

This function need only be called if a policy is to be stopped during a simulation (it is not required to be called explicitly at the end). Stop is idempotent.

Definition at line 250 of file

◆ TotalAvailable()

double cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::TotalAvailable ( ) const

the total amount available to request

Definition at line 172 of file matl_buy_policy.h.

◆ use_cumulative_capacity()

bool cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy::use_cumulative_capacity ( )

Definition at line 211 of file matl_buy_policy.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: