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cyclus::Institution Class Reference

Detailed Description

The Institution class is the abstract class/interface used by all institution agents.

Introduction The Institution type assists in defining the

region-institution-facility hierarchy in Cyclus. A Institution institution is an actor associated with a set of facilities for which it is responsible. An Institution may be used to adjust preferences in the ResourceExchange to make material routing decisions based on interfacility relationships. Deployment is a primary differentiator between different Institution implementations.

Definition at line 29 of file institution.h.

#include <institution.h>

Inheritance diagram for cyclus::Institution:
cyclus::Agent cyclus::TimeListener cyclus::StateWrangler cyclus::Ider cyclus::Ider

Public Member Functions

virtual void Build (Agent *parent)
virtual void Decommission ()
virtual void EnterNotify ()
virtual void InfileToDb (InfileTree *qe, DbInit di)
virtual void InitFrom (QueryableBackend *b)
virtual void InitInv (Inventories &inv)
 Institution (Context *ctx)
virtual void Snapshot (DbInit di)
virtual Inventories SnapshotInv ()
virtual std::string str ()
virtual void Tick ()
virtual void Tock ()
virtual ~Institution ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cyclus::Agent
virtual void AdjustMatlPrefs (PrefMap< Material >::type &prefs)
virtual void AdjustProductPrefs (PrefMap< Product >::type &prefs)
 Agent (Context *ctx)
bool AncestorOf (Agent *other)
virtual Json::Value annotations ()
virtual void BuildNotify (Agent *m)
const std::set< Agent * > & children () const
virtual AgentClone ()=0
Contextcontext () const
bool DecendentOf (Agent *other)
virtual void DecomNotify (Agent *m)
const int enter_time () const
const int exit_time () const
std::vector< std::string > GetTreePrintOuts (Agent *m)
virtual const int id () const
bool InFamilyTree (Agent *other)
const std::string kind () const
const int lifetime () const
void lifetime (int n_timesteps)
void lifetime_force (int n_timesteps)
Agentparent () const
const int parent_id () const
std::string PrintChildren ()
const std::string prototype () const
void prototype (std::string p)
virtual std::string schema ()
std::string spec ()
void spec (std::string new_impl)
virtual std::string version ()
virtual ~Agent ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cyclus::TimeListener
virtual void Decision ()

Protected Member Functions

void InitFrom (Institution *m)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from cyclus::Agent
virtual std::string InformErrorMsg (std::string msg)
void InitFrom (Agent *m)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from cyclus::Agent
std::string kind_

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Institution()

cyclus::Institution::Institution ( Context * ctx)

Default constructor for Institution Class.

Definition at line 16 of file

◆ ~Institution()

cyclus::Institution::~Institution ( )

every agent should be destructable

Definition at line 20 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ Build()

void cyclus::Institution::Build ( Agent * parent)

perform all tasks required when an inst enters the simulation

Reimplemented from cyclus::Agent.

Definition at line 35 of file

◆ Decommission()

void cyclus::Institution::Decommission ( )

Decommissions the agent, removing it from the simulation.

Results in destruction of the agent object. If agents write their own Decommission function, they must call their superclass' Decommission function at the END of their Decommission function.

Reimplemented from cyclus::Agent.

Definition at line 43 of file

◆ EnterNotify()

void cyclus::Institution::EnterNotify ( )

Called to give the agent an opportunity to register for services (e.g.

ticks/tocks and resource exchange). Note that this may be called more than once, and so agents should track their registrations carefully. If agents implement this function, they must call their superclass's EnterNotify function at the BEGINNING of their EnterNotify function.

Reimplemented from cyclus::Agent.

Definition at line 39 of file

◆ InfileToDb()

virtual void cyclus::Institution::InfileToDb ( InfileTree * qe,
DbInit di )

Translates info for the agent from an input file to the database by reading parameters from the passed InfileTree (parsed from xml) and recording data via the DbInit variable.

The simulation id and agent id are automatically injected in all data transfered to the database through DbInit. This function must be implemented by all agents. This function must call the superclass' InfileToDb function before doing any other work.

Agent parameters in the InfileTree are scoped in the "agent/*&zwj;/" path. The superclass InitFrom expects the scope InfileTree passed to it to be unchanged from the agent's InfileTree arg.


class MyAgentClass : virtual public cyclus::Facility {
// ...
void InfileToDb(cyclus::InfileTree* tree, cyclus::DbInit di) {
// now do MyAgentClass' initialitions, e.g.:
tree = tree->Query("agent/*"); // rescope the InfileTree
// retrieve all agent params
std::string recipe = tree->GetString("recipe");
std::string in_commod = tree->GetString("in_commod");
double cap = cyclus::Query<double>(tree, "cap");
->AddVal("recipe", recipe)
->AddVal("in_commod", in_commod)
->AddVal("cap", cap)
// ...
// ...
Datum * AddVal(const char *field, boost::spirit::hold_any val, std::vector< int > *shape=NULL)
Add an arbitrary field-value pair to the datum.
void Record()
Record this datum to its Recorder.
DbInit provides an interface for agents to record data to the output db that automatically injects th...
Definition db_init.h:14
Datum * NewDatum(std::string title)
Returns a new datum to be used exactly as the Context::NewDatum method.
The Facility class is the abstract class/interface used by all facility agents.
Definition facility.h:68
virtual void InitFrom(QueryableBackend *b)
Intializes an agent's internal state from the database.
Definition facility.h:78
A class for extracting information from a given XML parser.
Definition infile_tree.h:22
virtual std::string GetString(std::string query, int index=0)
investigates the current status and returns a string representing the content of a query at a given i...
T OptionalQuery(InfileTree *tree, std::string query, T default_val)
a query method for optional parameters
because 'SimId' 'SimTime', and 'AgentId' fields are automatically injected, those labels cannot be used for any other fields.
this function MUST NOT modify the agent's state.

Reimplemented from cyclus::Agent.

Definition at line 41 of file institution.h.

◆ InitFrom() [1/2]

void cyclus::Institution::InitFrom ( Institution * m)

Definition at line 23 of file

◆ InitFrom() [2/2]

virtual void cyclus::Institution::InitFrom ( QueryableBackend * b)

Intializes an agent's internal state from the database.

Appropriate simulation id, agent id, and time filters are automatically included in all queries. If the agent is a direct subclass of the Agent class, than it should NOT call its superclass' InitFrom(QueryableBackend*) function. If, however, it is a subclasses other Agent subclasses (e.g. subclass of Facility, Region, etc.), then it MUST call its superclass' InitFrom(QueryableBackend*) function. Example:

class MyAgentClass : virtual public cyclus::Facility {
// ...
void InitFrom(cyclus::QueryableBackend* b) {
cyclus::QueryResult qr = b->Query("MyAgentTable1", NULL);
recipe = qr.GetVal<std::string>("recipe");
in_commod = qr.GetVal<std::string>("in_commod");
cap = qr.GetVal<double>("cap");
// ...
std::string recipe;
std::string in_commod;
double cap;
// ...
Meta data and results of a query.
T GetVal(std::string field, int row=0)
Convenience method for retrieving a value from a specific row and named field (column).
Interface implemented by backends that support rudimentary querying.
Agents should NOT create any resource objects in this function.

Reimplemented from cyclus::Agent.

Definition at line 44 of file institution.h.

◆ InitInv()

virtual void cyclus::Institution::InitInv ( Inventories & inv)

Provides an agent's initial inventory of resources before a simulation begins.

The resources are keyed in the same way as given in the agent's SnapshotInv function. Agents should iterate through each named inventory provided and populate their corresponding resource containers with the given resources.

class MyAgentClass : virtual public cyclus::Facility {
// ...
void InitInv(cyclus::Inventories& inv) {
// ...
// ...
ResBuf is a helper class that provides semi-automated management of a collection of resources (e....
Definition res_buf.h:62
std::map< std::string, std::vector< Resource::Ptr > > Inventories
map<inventory_name, vector<resources_in_inventory> >.
Definition agent.h:38
agents should not modify any state outside the container filling

Implements cyclus::Agent.

Definition at line 49 of file institution.h.

◆ Snapshot()

virtual void cyclus::Institution::Snapshot ( DbInit di)

Snapshots agent-internal state to the database via the DbInit var di.

The simulation id , agent id, and the simulation time are automatically injected in all information transfered to the database through DbInit. If the agent is a direct subclass of the Agent class, than it should NOT call its superclass' Snapshot function. If, however, it subclasses other Agent subclasses (e.g. subclass of Facility, Region, etc.), then it MUST call its superclass' Snapshot function. Example:

class MyAgentClass : virtual public cyclus::Facility {
// ...
void Snapshot(cyclus::DbInit di) {
->AddVal("recipe", recipe)
->AddVal("in_commod", in_commod)
->AddVal("cap", cap)
// ...
std::string recipe;
std::string in_commod;
double cap;
// ...
virtual void Snapshot(DbInit di)
Snapshots agent-internal state to the database via the DbInit var di.
Definition facility.h:81
because 'SimId' 'SimTime', and 'AgentId' fields are automatically injected, those labels cannot be used for any other fields.
This function MUST NOT modify the agent's internal state.
Do not record any information via the context's NewDatum function.

Implements cyclus::Agent.

Definition at line 47 of file institution.h.

◆ SnapshotInv()

virtual Inventories cyclus::Institution::SnapshotInv ( )

Snapshots an agent's resource inventories to the database.

The set of resources in each container should be stored under a string key unique for that container that will be used when re-initializing inventories for restarted simulations in the InitInv function.

class MyAgentClass : virtual public cyclus::Facility {
// ...
cyclus::Inventories SnapshotInv() {
cyclus::toolkit::ResVec rs = buf1.PopNRes(buf1.count());
buf1.Push(rs); // Snapshot must not change agent's state
invs["buf1"] = rs;
rs = buf2.PopNRes(buf2.count());
buf2.Push(rs); // Snapshot must not change agent's state
invs["buf2"] = rs;
// ...
return invs;
// ...
std::vector< Resource::Ptr > ResVec
Definition res_buf.h:21
This function MUST NOT modify the agent's internal state.

Implements cyclus::Agent.

Definition at line 51 of file institution.h.

◆ str()

std::string cyclus::Institution::str ( )

every agent should be able to print a verbose description

Reimplemented from cyclus::Agent.

Definition at line 27 of file

◆ Tick()

virtual void cyclus::Institution::Tick ( )

Simulation agents do their beginning-of-timestep activities in the Tick method.

timeis the current simulation timestep

Implements cyclus::TimeListener.

Definition at line 63 of file institution.h.

◆ Tock()

void cyclus::Institution::Tock ( )

Simulation agents do their end-of-timestep activities in the Tock method.

timeis the current simulation timestep

Implements cyclus::TimeListener.

Definition at line 48 of file

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