No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
4#include <set>
5#include <sstream>
6#include <string>
8#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
10#include "bid.h"
11#include "capacity_constraint.h"
12#include "error.h"
14namespace cyclus {
16class Trader;
18std::string GetTraderPrototype(Trader* bidder);
19std::string GetTraderSpec(Trader* bidder);
21/// @class BidPortfolio
23/// @brief A BidPortfolio is a collection of bids as responses to requests for
24/// resources and associated constraints on those bids.
26/// A BidPortfolio contains all the information corresponding to a bidder's
27/// response to resource requests. It is a light wrapper around the set of bids
28/// and constraints for a given bidder, guaranteeing a single bidder per
29/// portfolio. Responses are grouped by the bidder. Constraints are assumed to
30/// act over the entire set of possible bids.
31template <class T>
32class BidPortfolio : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<BidPortfolio<T>> {
33 public:
34 typedef boost::shared_ptr<BidPortfolio<T>> Ptr;
36 /// @brief default constructor
37 BidPortfolio() : bidder_(NULL) {}
39 /// deletes all bids associated with it
41 typename std::set<Bid<T>*>::iterator it;
42 for (it = bids_.begin(); it != bids_.end(); ++it) {
43 delete *it;
44 }
45 }
47 /// @brief add a bid to the portfolio
48 /// @param request the request being responded to by this bid
49 /// @param offer the resource being offered in response to the request
50 /// @param bidder the bidder
51 /// @param exclusive indicates whether the bid is exclusive
52 /// @param preference sets the preference of the bid on a request
53 /// bid arc.
54 /// @throws KeyError if a bid is added from a different bidder than the
55 /// original
56 Bid<T>* AddBid(Request<T>* request, boost::shared_ptr<T> offer,
57 Trader* bidder, bool exclusive, double preference) {
58 Bid<T>* b = Bid<T>::Create(request, offer, bidder, this->shared_from_this(),
59 exclusive, preference);
60 VerifyResponder_(b);
61 if (offer->quantity() > 0)
62 bids_.insert(b);
63 else {
64 std::stringstream ss;
66 << " is offering a bid quantity <= 0, Q = " << offer->quantity();
67 throw ValueError(ss.str());
68 }
69 return b;
70 }
72 /// @brief add a bid to the portfolio
73 /// @param request the request being responded to by this bid
74 /// @param offer the resource being offered in response to the request
75 /// @param bidder the bidder
76 /// @param exclusive indicates whether the bid is exclusive
77 /// @throws KeyError if a bid is added from a different bidder than the
78 /// original
79 Bid<T>* AddBid(Request<T>* request, boost::shared_ptr<T> offer,
80 Trader* bidder, bool exclusive = false) {
81 return AddBid(request, offer, bidder, exclusive,
82 std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
83 }
85 /// @brief add a capacity constraint associated with the portfolio
86 /// @param c the constraint to add
88 constraints_.insert(c);
89 }
91 /// @return the agent associated with the portfolio. If no bids have
92 /// been added, the bidder is NULL.
93 inline Trader* bidder() const { return bidder_; }
95 /// @return *deprecated* the commodity associated with the portfolio.
96 inline std::string commodity() const { return ""; }
98 /// @return const access to the bids
99 inline const std::set<Bid<T>*>& bids() const { return bids_; }
101 /// @return the set of constraints over the bids
102 inline const std::set<CapacityConstraint<T>>& constraints() const {
103 return constraints_;
104 }
106 private:
107 /// @brief copy constructor is private to prevent copying and preserve
108 /// explicit single-ownership of bids
110 bidder_ = rhs.bidder_;
111 bids_ = rhs.bids_;
112 constraints_ = rhs.constraints_;
113 typename std::set<Bid<T>*>::iterator it;
114 for (it = bids_.begin(); it != bids_.end(); ++it) {
115 it->get()->set_portfolio(this->shared_from_this());
116 }
117 }
119 /// @brief if the bidder has not been determined yet, it is set. Otherwise
120 /// VerifyResponder() verifies the bid is associated with the
121 /// portfolio's bidder
122 /// @throws KeyError if a bid is added from a different bidder than the
123 /// original
124 void VerifyResponder_(Bid<T>* b) {
125 if (bidder_ == NULL) {
126 bidder_ = b->bidder();
127 } else if (bidder_ != b->bidder()) {
128 std::string msg = "Insertion error: bidders do not match.";
129 throw KeyError(msg);
130 }
131 }
133 /// @brief *deprecated*
134 void VerifyCommodity_(const Bid<T>* r) {}
136 // bid_ is a set because there is a one-to-one correspondence between a
137 // bid and a request, i.e., bids are unique
138 std::set<Bid<T>*> bids_;
140 // constraints_ is a set because constraints are assumed to be unique
141 std::set<CapacityConstraint<T>> constraints_;
143 Trader* bidder_;
146} // namespace cyclus
A BidPortfolio is a collection of bids as responses to requests for resources and associated constrai...
const std::set< CapacityConstraint< T > > & constraints() const
std::string commodity() const
Trader * bidder() const
void AddConstraint(const CapacityConstraint< T > &c)
add a capacity constraint associated with the portfolio
deletes all bids associated with it
Bid< T > * AddBid(Request< T > *request, boost::shared_ptr< T > offer, Trader *bidder, bool exclusive=false)
add a bid to the portfolio
Bid< T > * AddBid(Request< T > *request, boost::shared_ptr< T > offer, Trader *bidder, bool exclusive, double preference)
add a bid to the portfolio
const std::set< Bid< T > * > & bids() const
boost::shared_ptr< BidPortfolio< T > > Ptr
default constructor
A Bid encapsulates all the information required to communicate a bid response to a request for a reso...
Definition bid.h:21
static Bid< T > * Create(Request< T > *request, boost::shared_ptr< T > offer, Trader *bidder, typename BidPortfolio< T >::Ptr portfolio, bool exclusive, double preference)
a factory method for a bid
Definition bid.h:34
A CapacityConstraint provides an ability to determine an agent's constraints on resource allocation g...
A Request encapsulates all the information required to communicate the needs of an agent in the Dynam...
Definition request.h:29
A simple API for agents that wish to exchange resources in the simulation.
Definition trader.h:24
For values that are too big, too small, etc.
Definition error.h:41
taken directly from OsiSolverInterface.cpp on 2/17/14 from https://projects.coin-or....
std::string GetTraderSpec(Trader *bidder)
T OptionalQuery(InfileTree *tree, std::string query, T default_val)
a query method for optional parameters
std::string GetTraderPrototype(Trader *bidder)
double b(int nuc)
Computes the scattering length [cm] from the coherent and incoherent components.