No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
4#include "cyclus.h"
5#include "cycamore_version.h"
7namespace cycamore {
55class Reactor : public cyclus::Facility,
56 public cyclus::toolkit::CommodityProducer,
57 public cyclus::toolkit::Position {
58#pragma cyclus note { \
59"niche": "reactor", \
60"doc": \
61 "Reactor is a simple, general reactor based on static compositional" \
62 " transformations to model fuel burnup. The user specifies a set of input" \
63 " fuels and corresponding burnt compositions that fuel is transformed to when" \
64 " it is discharged from the core. No incremental transmutation takes place." \
65 " Rather, at the end of an operational cycle, the batch being discharged from" \
66 " the core is instantaneously transmuted from its original fresh fuel" \
67 " composition into its spent fuel form." \
68 "\n\n" \
69 "Each fuel is identified by a specific input commodity and has an associated" \
70 " input recipe (nuclide composition), output recipe, output commidity, and" \
71 " preference. The preference identifies which input fuels are preferred when" \
72 " requesting. Changes in these preferences can be specified as a function of" \
73 " time using the pref_change variables. Changes in the input-output recipe" \
74 " compositions can also be specified as a function of time using the" \
75 " recipe_change variables." \
76 "\n\n" \
77 "The reactor treats fuel as individual assemblies that are never split," \
78 " combined or otherwise treated in any non-discrete way. Fuel is requested" \
79 " in full-or-nothing assembly sized quanta. If real-world assembly modeling" \
80 " is unnecessary, parameters can be adjusted (e.g. n_assem_core, assem_size," \
81 " n_assem_batch). At the end of every cycle, a full batch is discharged from" \
82 " the core consisting of n_assem_batch assemblies of assem_size kg. The" \
83 " reactor also has a specifiable refueling time period following the end of" \
84 " each cycle at the end of which it will resume operation on the next cycle" \
85 " *if* it has enough fuel for a full core; otherwise it waits until it has" \
86 " enough fresh fuel assemblies." \
87 "\n\n" \
88 "In addition to its core, the reactor has an on-hand fresh fuel inventory" \
89 " and a spent fuel inventory whose capacities are specified by n_assem_fresh" \
90 " and n_assem_spent respectively. Each time step the reactor will attempt to" \
91 " acquire enough fresh fuel to fill its fresh fuel inventory (and its core if" \
92 " the core isn't currently full). If the fresh fuel inventory has zero" \
93 " capacity, fuel will be ordered just-in-time after the end of each" \
94 " operational cycle before the next begins. If the spent fuel inventory" \
95 " becomes full, the reactor will halt operation at the end of the next cycle" \
96 " until there is more room. Each time step, the reactor will try to trade" \
97 " away as much of its spent fuel inventory as possible." \
98 "\n\n" \
99 "When the reactor reaches the end of its lifetime, it will discharge all" \
100 " material from its core and trade away all its spent fuel as quickly as" \
101 " possible. Full decommissioning will be delayed until all spent fuel is" \
102 " gone. If the reactor has a full core when it is decommissioned (i.e. is" \
103 " mid-cycle) when the reactor is decommissioned, half (rounded up to nearest" \
104 " int) of its assemblies are transmuted to their respective burnt" \
105 " compositions." \
106 "", \
109 public:
110 Reactor(cyclus::Context* ctx);
111 virtual ~Reactor(){};
113 virtual std::string version() { return CYCAMORE_VERSION; }
115 virtual void Tick();
116 virtual void Tock();
117 virtual void EnterNotify();
120 virtual void AcceptMatlTrades(const std::vector<std::pair<
121 cyclus::Trade<cyclus::Material>, cyclus::Material::Ptr> >& responses);
123 virtual std::set<cyclus::RequestPortfolio<cyclus::Material>::Ptr>
126 virtual std::set<cyclus::BidPortfolio<cyclus::Material>::Ptr> GetMatlBids(
127 cyclus::CommodMap<cyclus::Material>::type& commod_requests);
129 virtual void GetMatlTrades(
130 const std::vector<cyclus::Trade<cyclus::Material> >& trades,
131 std::vector<std::pair<cyclus::Trade<cyclus::Material>,
132 cyclus::Material::Ptr> >& responses);
134 #pragma cyclus decl
136 private:
137 std::string fuel_incommod(cyclus::Material::Ptr m);
138 std::string fuel_outcommod(cyclus::Material::Ptr m);
139 std::string fuel_inrecipe(cyclus::Material::Ptr m);
140 std::string fuel_outrecipe(cyclus::Material::Ptr m);
141 double fuel_pref(cyclus::Material::Ptr m);
143 bool retired() {
144 return exit_time() != -1 && context()->time() > exit_time();
145 }
148 void index_res(cyclus::Resource::Ptr m, std::string incommod);
152 bool Discharge();
155 void Load();
159 void Transmute();
162 void RecordSideProduct(bool produce);
166 void Transmute(int n_assem);
169 void Record(std::string name, std::string val);
173 void PushSpent(std::map<std::string, cyclus::toolkit::MatVec> leftover);
177 std::map<std::string, cyclus::toolkit::MatVec> PopSpent();
181 std::map<std::string, cyclus::toolkit::MatVec> PeekSpent();
184 #pragma cyclus var { \
185 "uitype": ["oneormore", "incommodity"], \
186 "uilabel": "Fresh Fuel Commodity List", \
187 "doc": "Ordered list of input commodities on which to requesting fuel.", \
188 }
189 std::vector<std::string> fuel_incommods;
190 #pragma cyclus var { \
191 "uitype": ["oneormore", "inrecipe"], \
192 "uilabel": "Fresh Fuel Recipe List", \
193 "doc": "Fresh fuel recipes to request for each of the given fuel input " \
194 "commodities (same order).", \
195 }
196 std::vector<std::string> fuel_inrecipes;
198 #pragma cyclus var { \
199 "default": [], \
200 "uilabel": "Fresh Fuel Preference List", \
201 "doc": "The preference for each type of fresh fuel requested corresponding"\
202 " to each input commodity (same order). If no preferences are " \
203 "specified, 1.0 is used for all fuel " \
204 "requests (default).", \
205 }
206 std::vector<double> fuel_prefs;
207 #pragma cyclus var { \
208 "uitype": ["oneormore", "outcommodity"], \
209 "uilabel": "Spent Fuel Commodity List", \
210 "doc": "Output commodities on which to offer spent fuel originally " \
211 "received as each particular input commodity (same order)." \
212 }
213 std::vector<std::string> fuel_outcommods;
214 #pragma cyclus var { \
215 "uitype": ["oneormore", "outrecipe"], \
216 "uilabel": "Spent Fuel Recipe List", \
217 "doc": "Spent fuel recipes corresponding to the given fuel input " \
218 "commodities (same order)." \
219 " Fuel received via a particular input commodity is transmuted to " \
220 "the recipe specified here after being burned during a cycle.", \
221 }
222 std::vector<std::string> fuel_outrecipes;
225 #pragma cyclus var { \
226 "default": [], \
227 "uilabel": "Time to Change Fresh/Spent Fuel Recipe", \
228 "doc": "A time step on which to change the input-output recipe pair for " \
229 "a requested fresh fuel.", \
230 }
231 std::vector<int> recipe_change_times;
232 #pragma cyclus var { \
233 "default": [], \
234 "uilabel": "Commodity for Changed Fresh/Spent Fuel Recipe", \
235 "doc": "The input commodity indicating fresh fuel for which recipes will " \
236 "be changed. Same order as and direct correspondence to the " \
237 "specified recipe change times.", \
238 "uitype": ["oneormore", "incommodity"], \
239 }
240 std::vector<std::string> recipe_change_commods;
241 #pragma cyclus var { \
242 "default": [], \
243 "uilabel": "New Recipe for Fresh Fuel", \
244 "doc": "The new input recipe to use for this recipe change." \
245 " Same order as and direct correspondence to the specified recipe " \
246 "change times.", \
247 "uitype": ["oneormore", "inrecipe"], \
248 }
249 std::vector<std::string> recipe_change_in;
250 #pragma cyclus var { \
251 "default": [], \
252 "uilabel": "New Recipe for Spent Fuel", \
253 "doc": "The new output recipe to use for this recipe change." \
254 " Same order as and direct correspondence to the specified recipe " \
255 "change times.", \
256 "uitype": ["oneormore", "outrecipe"], \
257 }
258 std::vector<std::string> recipe_change_out;
261 #pragma cyclus var { \
262 "doc": "Mass (kg) of a single assembly.", \
263 "uilabel": "Assembly Mass", \
264 "uitype": "range", \
265 "range": [1.0, 1e5], \
266 "units": "kg", \
267 }
268 double assem_size;
270 #pragma cyclus var { \
271 "uilabel": "Number of Assemblies per Batch", \
272 "doc": "Number of assemblies that constitute a single batch. " \
273 "This is the number of assemblies discharged from the core fully " \
274 "burned each cycle." \
275 "Batch size is equivalent to ``n_assem_batch / n_assem_core``.", \
276 }
277 int n_assem_batch;
278 #pragma cyclus var { \
279 "default": 3, \
280 "uilabel": "Number of Assemblies in Core", \
281 "uitype": "range", \
282 "range": [1,3], \
283 "doc": "Number of assemblies that constitute a full core.", \
284 }
285 int n_assem_core;
286 #pragma cyclus var { \
287 "default": 0, \
288 "uilabel": "Minimum Fresh Fuel Inventory", \
289 "uitype": "range", \
290 "range": [0,3], \
291 "units": "assemblies", \
292 "doc": "Number of fresh fuel assemblies to keep on-hand if possible.", \
293 }
294 int n_assem_fresh;
295 #pragma cyclus var { \
296 "default": 1000000000, \
297 "uilabel": "Maximum Spent Fuel Inventory", \
298 "uitype": "range", \
299 "range": [0, 1000000000], \
300 "units": "assemblies", \
301 "doc": "Number of spent fuel assemblies that can be stored on-site before" \
302 " reactor operation stalls.", \
303 }
304 int n_assem_spent;
307 #pragma cyclus var { \
308 "default": 18, \
309 "doc": "The duration of a full operational cycle (excluding refueling " \
310 "time) in time steps.", \
311 "uilabel": "Cycle Length", \
312 "units": "time steps", \
313 }
314 int cycle_time;
315 #pragma cyclus var { \
316 "default": 1, \
317 "doc": "The duration of a full refueling period - the minimum time between"\
318 " the end of a cycle and the start of the next cycle.", \
319 "uilabel": "Refueling Outage Duration", \
320 "units": "time steps", \
321 }
322 int refuel_time;
323 #pragma cyclus var { \
324 "default": 0, \
325 "doc": "Number of time steps since the start of the last cycle." \
326 " Only set this if you know what you are doing", \
327 "uilabel": "Time Since Start of Last Cycle", \
328 "units": "time steps", \
329 }
330 int cycle_step;
333 #pragma cyclus var { \
334 "default": 0, \
335 "doc": "Amount of electrical power the facility produces when operating " \
336 "normally.", \
337 "uilabel": "Nominal Reactor Power", \
338 "uitype": "range", \
339 "range": [0.0, 2000.00], \
340 "units": "MWe", \
341 }
342 double power_cap;
344 #pragma cyclus var { \
345 "default": "power", \
346 "uilabel": "Power Commodity Name", \
347 "doc": "The name of the 'power' commodity used in conjunction with a " \
348 "deployment curve.", \
349 }
350 std::string power_name;
354 #pragma cyclus var { \
355 "uilabel": "Side Product from Reactor Plant", \
356 "default": [], \
357 "doc": "Ordered vector of side product the reactor produces with power", \
358 }
359 std::vector<std::string> side_products;
361 #pragma cyclus var { \
362 "uilabel": "Quantity of Side Product from Reactor Plant", \
363 "default": [], \
364 "doc": "Ordered vector of the quantity of side product the reactor produces with power", \
365 }
366 std::vector<double> side_product_quantity;
368 #pragma cyclus var {"default": 1,\
369 "internal": True,\
370 "doc": "True if reactor is a hybrid system (produces side products)", \
371 }
372 bool hybrid_;
376 #pragma cyclus var {"default": 0, \
377 "uilabel": "Boolean for transmutation behavior upon decommissioning.", \
378 "doc": "If true, the archetype transmutes all assemblies upon decommissioning " \
379 "If false, the archetype only transmutes half.", \
380 }
385 #pragma cyclus var { \
386 "default": [], \
387 "uilabel": "Time to Change Fresh Fuel Preference", \
388 "doc": "A time step on which to change the request preference for a " \
389 "particular fresh fuel type.", \
390 }
391 std::vector<int> pref_change_times;
392 #pragma cyclus var { \
393 "default": [], \
394 "doc": "The input commodity for a particular fuel preference change. " \
395 "Same order as and direct correspondence to the specified " \
396 "preference change times.", \
397 "uilabel": "Commodity for Changed Fresh Fuel Preference", \
398 "uitype": ["oneormore", "incommodity"], \
399 }
400 std::vector<std::string> pref_change_commods;
401 #pragma cyclus var { \
402 "default": [], \
403 "uilabel": "Changed Fresh Fuel Preference", \
404 "doc": "The new/changed request preference for a particular fresh fuel." \
405 " Same order as and direct correspondence to the specified " \
406 "preference change times.", \
407 }
408 std::vector<double> pref_change_values;
410 #pragma cyclus var { \
411 "default": True, \
412 "tooltip": "Whether to persist packaging throughout the reactor", \
413 "doc": "Boolean value about whether to keep packaging. If true, " \
414 "packaging will not be stripped upon acceptance into the " \
415 "reactor. If false, package type will be stripped immediately " \
416 "upon acceptance. Has no effect if the incoming material is not " \
417 "packaged.", \
418 "uilabel": "Keep Packaging", \
419 "uitype": "bool"}
420 bool keep_packaging;
422 // Resource inventories - these must be defined AFTER/BELOW the member vars
423 // referenced (e.g. n_batch_fresh, assem_size, etc.).
424 #pragma cyclus var {"capacity": "n_assem_fresh * assem_size"}
425 cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf<cyclus::Material> fresh;
426 #pragma cyclus var {"capacity": "n_assem_core * assem_size"}
427 cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf<cyclus::Material> core;
428 #pragma cyclus var {"capacity": "n_assem_spent * assem_size"}
429 cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf<cyclus::Material> spent;
432 // should be hidden in ui (internal only). True if fuel has already been
433 // discharged this cycle.
434 #pragma cyclus var {"default": 0, "doc": "This should NEVER be set manually",\
435 "internal": True \
436 }
437 bool discharged;
439 // This variable should be hidden/unavailable in ui. Maps resource object
440 // id's to the index for the incommod through which they were received.
441 #pragma cyclus var {"default": {}, "doc": "This should NEVER be set manually", \
442 "internal": True \
443 }
444 std::map<int, int> res_indexes;
446 // populated lazily and no need to persist.
447 std::set<std::string> uniq_outcommods_;
449 #pragma cyclus var { \
450 "default": 0.0, \
451 "uilabel": "Geographical latitude in degrees as a double", \
452 "doc": "Latitude of the agent's geographical position. The value should " \
453 "be expressed in degrees as a double." \
454 }
455 double latitude;
457 #pragma cyclus var { \
458 "default": 0.0, \
459 "uilabel": "Geographical longitude in degrees as a double", \
460 "doc": "Longitude of the agent's geographical position. The value should " \
461 "be expressed in degrees as a double." \
462 }
463 double longitude;
465 cyclus::toolkit::Position coordinates;
471} // namespace cycamore
std::string fuel_incommod(cyclus::Material::Ptr m)
std::vector< double > side_product_quantity
std::vector< std::string > recipe_change_in
std::vector< int > recipe_change_times
virtual void Tick()
void index_res(cyclus::Resource::Ptr m, std::string incommod)
Store fuel info index for the given resource received on incommod.
virtual bool CheckDecommissionCondition()
std::vector< std::string > side_products
void RecordSideProduct(bool produce)
Records production of side products from the reactor.
virtual void Tock()
std::vector< std::string > fuel_outrecipes
std::vector< std::string > pref_change_commods
virtual void GetMatlTrades(const std::vector< cyclus::Trade< cyclus::Material > > &trades, std::vector< std::pair< cyclus::Trade< cyclus::Material >, cyclus::Material::Ptr > > &responses)
std::map< std::string, cyclus::toolkit::MatVec > PopSpent()
Returns all spent assemblies indexed by outcommod - removing them from the spent fuel buffer.
bool Discharge()
Discharge a batch from the core if there is room in the spent fuel inventory.
void Transmute()
Transmute the batch that is about to be discharged from the core to its fully burnt state as defined ...
cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf< cyclus::Material > spent
std::vector< std::string > recipe_change_out
std::map< int, int > res_indexes
std::vector< double > pref_change_values
void Record(std::string name, std::string val)
Records a reactor event to the output db with the given name and note val.
cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf< cyclus::Material > core
double fuel_pref(cyclus::Material::Ptr m)
std::map< std::string, cyclus::toolkit::MatVec > PeekSpent()
Returns all spent assemblies indexed by outcommod without removing them from the spent fuel buffer.
std::string fuel_inrecipe(cyclus::Material::Ptr m)
std::vector< std::string > fuel_outcommods
void RecordPosition()
Records an agent's latitude and longitude to the output db.
virtual std::string version()
virtual void AcceptMatlTrades(const std::vector< std::pair< cyclus::Trade< cyclus::Material >, cyclus::Material::Ptr > > &responses)
std::vector< int > pref_change_times
void Transmute(int n_assem)
Transmute the specified number of assemblies in the core to their fully burnt state as defined by the...
std::string fuel_outcommod(cyclus::Material::Ptr m)
virtual std::set< cyclus::BidPortfolio< cyclus::Material >::Ptr > GetMatlBids(cyclus::CommodMap< cyclus::Material >::type &commod_requests)
cyclus::toolkit::Position coordinates
void Load()
Top up core inventory as much as possible.
std::string fuel_outrecipe(cyclus::Material::Ptr m)
void PushSpent(std::map< std::string, cyclus::toolkit::MatVec > leftover)
Complement of PopSpent - must be called with all materials passed that were not traded away to other ...
std::vector< double > fuel_prefs
cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf< cyclus::Material > fresh
std::set< std::string > uniq_outcommods_
std::vector< std::string > fuel_incommods
std::vector< std::string > fuel_inrecipes
Reactor(cyclus::Context *ctx)
virtual std::set< cyclus::RequestPortfolio< cyclus::Material >::Ptr > GetMatlRequests()
virtual void EnterNotify()
std::vector< std::string > recipe_change_commods