No Matches
cycamore Namespace Reference


namespace  fuelfabtests
namespace  reactortests


class  DeployInst
class  Enrichment
 The Enrichment facility is a simple Agent that enriches natural uranium in a Cyclus simulation. More...
class  EnrichmentTest
class  FillConverter
class  FissConverter
class  FuelFab
 FuelFab takes in 2 streams of material and mixes them in ratios in order to supply material that matches some neutronics properties of reqeusted material. More...
class  GrowthRegion
 This region determines if there is a need to meet a certain capacity (as defined via input) at each time step. More...
class  ManagerInst
class  Mixer
 Mixer mixes N streams with fixed, static, user-specified ratios into a single output stream. More...
class  MixerTest
class  NatUConverter
 The NatUConverter is a simple Converter class for material to determine the amount of natural uranium required for their proposed enrichment. More...
class  Reactor
 Reactor is a simple, general reactor based on static compositional transformations to model fuel burnup. More...
class  Separations
 Separations processes feed material into one or more streams containing specific elements and/or nuclides. More...
class  Sink
 This facility acts as a sink of materials and products with a fixed throughput (per time step) capacity and a lifetime capacity defined by a total inventory size. More...
class  Source
 This facility acts as a source of material with a fixed throughput (per time step) capacity and a lifetime capacity defined by a total inventory size. More...
class  SourceTest
class  Storage
 This Facility is intended to hold materials for a user specified amount of time in order to model a storage facility with a certain residence time or holdup time. More...
class  StorageTest
class  SWUConverter
 The SWUConverter is a simple Converter class for material to determine the amount of SWU required for their proposed enrichment. More...
class  TopupConverter


typedef std::map< int, std::vector< std::string > > BuildSched
typedef std::vector< std::pair< int, std::pair< std::string, std::string > > > Demand
 A container of (time, (demand type, demand parameters))
typedef std::pair< double, std::map< int, double > > Stream
typedef std::map< std::string, StreamStreamSet
typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::pair< double, double >, std::map< std::string, double > > > t_instream


void AddCommodityDemand_ (std::string commod, Demand &demand)
 add a demand for a commodity on which this region request that facilities be built
double AtomToMassFrac (double atomfrac, Composition::Ptr c1, Composition::Ptr c2)
double AtomToMassFrac (double atomfrac, cyclus::Composition::Ptr c1, cyclus::Composition::Ptr c2)
Composition::Ptr c_heu ()
Composition::Ptr c_leu ()
cyclus::Composition::Ptr c_natu ()
Composition::Ptr c_natu1 ()
Composition::Ptr c_natu2 ()
Composition::Ptr c_nou235 ()
cyclus::Composition::Ptr c_pustream ()
cyclus::Composition::Ptr c_uox ()
cyclus::Agent * ConstructDeployInst (cyclus::Context *ctx)
cyclus::Agent * ConstructEnrichment (cyclus::Context *ctx)
cyclus::Agent * ConstructFuelFab (cyclus::Context *ctx)
cyclus::Agent * ConstructGrowthRegion (cyclus::Context *ctx)
cyclus::Agent * ConstructManagerInst (cyclus::Context *ctx)
cyclus::Agent * ConstructMixer (cyclus::Context *ctx)
cyclus::Agent * ConstructReactor (cyclus::Context *ctx)
cyclus::Agent * ConstructSeparations (cyclus::Context *ctx)
cyclus::Agent * ConstructSink (cyclus::Context *ctx)
cyclus::Agent * ConstructSource (cyclus::Context *ctx)
cyclus::Agent * ConstructStorage (cyclus::Context *ctx)
bool Contains (std::vector< std::string > vec, std::string s)
double CosiWeight (Composition::Ptr c, const std::string &spectrum)
double CosiWeight (cyclus::Composition::Ptr c, const std::string &spectrum)
double HighFrac (double w_low, double w_target, double w_high, double eps)
double LowFrac (double w_low, double w_target, double w_high, double eps)
void OrderBuilds (cyclus::toolkit::Commodity &commodity, double unmetdemand)
 orders builds given a commodity and an unmet demand for production capacity of that commodity
void RecordPosition ()
 Records an agent's latitude and longitude to the output db.
void Register_ (cyclus::Agent *agent)
 register a child
cyclus::Material::Ptr SepMaterial (std::map< int, double > effs, cyclus::Material::Ptr mat)
 SepMaterial returns a material object that represents the composition and quantity resulting from the separation of material from mat using the given mass-based efficiencies.
Material::Ptr SepMaterial (std::map< int, double > effs, Material::Ptr mat)
bool SortBids (cyclus::Bid< Material > *i, cyclus::Bid< Material > *j)
 TEST (MixerTests, CompleteMixingProcess)
 TEST (MixerTests, MultipleFissStreams)
 TEST (MixerTests, PositionInitialize)
 TEST (SeparationsTests, PositionInitialize)
 TEST (SeparationsTests, PositionInitialize2)
 TEST (SeparationsTests, Retire)
 TEST (SeparationsTests, SeparationEfficiency)
 TEST (SeparationsTests, SeparationEfficiencyThrowing)
 TEST (SeparationsTests, SepMaterial)
 TEST (SeparationsTests, SepMixElemAndNuclide)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, BidPrefs)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, CheckCapConstraint)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, CheckSWUConstraint)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, ConstraintConverters)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, Enrich)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, NoBidPrefs)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, PositionInitialize)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, PositionInitialize2)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, Request)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, RequestEnrich)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, RequestQty)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, Response)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, TailsQty)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, TradeTails)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, ValidReq)
 TEST_F (EnrichmentTest, ZeroU235)
 TEST_F (MixerTest, MixingComposition)
 TEST_F (MixerTest, StreamDefaultRatio)
 TEST_F (MixerTest, StreamRatio)
 TEST_F (MixerTest, Throughput)
 TEST_F (SourceTest, AddBids)
 TEST_F (SourceTest, Clone)
 TEST_F (SourceTest, Longitude)
 TEST_F (SourceTest, Package)
 TEST_F (SourceTest, PositionInitialize)
 TEST_F (SourceTest, Print)
 TEST_F (SourceTest, Response)
 TEST_F (SourceTest, TransportUnit)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, ActiveDormant)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, AddMats)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, BehaviorTest)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, CCap_Inventory)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, ChangeCapacity)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, ChangeProcessTime)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, clone)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, CurrentCapacity)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, DifferentRecipe)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, FixedBuyingSize)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, IncorrectBuyPolSetupMinMax)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, IncorrectBuyPolSetupNormal)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, IncorrectBuyPolSetupUniform)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, InitialState)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, Longitude)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, MultipleCommods)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, MultipleSmallBatches)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, NoConvert)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, NoDormant)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, NoProcessTime)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, NormalActiveDormantBuyingSize)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, NormalBuyingSize)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, PackageExactly)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, PackageMerge)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, PackageSplitEqual)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, PackageSplitFirst)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, PositionInitialize)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, Print)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, RQ_Inventory)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, RQ_Inventory_Invalid)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, sS_Inventory)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, Tick)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, Tock)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, TransportUnit)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, TwoBatchSameTime)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, UniformActiveNormalDormant)
 TEST_F (StorageTest, UniformBuyingSize)
void Unregister_ (cyclus::Agent *agent)
 unregister a child
bool ValidWeights (double w_low, double w_target, double w_high)


cycamore::GrowthRegion commodity_demand
cyclus::toolkit::Position coordinates
cycamore::GrowthRegion int
double latitude
double longitude
cyclus::toolkit::SupplyDemandManager sdmanager_
 manager for Supply and demand
cycamore::GrowthRegion string

Typedef Documentation

◆ BuildSched

typedef std::map< int, std::vector< std::string > > cycamore::BuildSched

Definition at line 15 of file build/cycamore/deploy_inst.h.

◆ Demand

typedef std::vector< std::pair< int, std::pair< std::string, std::string > > > cycamore::Demand

A container of (time, (demand type, demand parameters))

Definition at line 25 of file build/cycamore/growth_region.h.

◆ Stream

typedef std::pair< double, std::map< int, double > > cycamore::Stream

Definition at line 49 of file build/cycamore/

◆ StreamSet

typedef std::map< std::string, Stream > cycamore::StreamSet

Definition at line 50 of file build/cycamore/

◆ t_instream

typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::pair< double, double >, std::map< std::string, double > > > cycamore::t_instream

Definition at line 19 of file build/cycamore/

Function Documentation

◆ AddCommodityDemand_()

void cycamore::AddCommodityDemand_ ( std::string commod,
Demand & demand )

add a demand for a commodity on which this region request that facilities be built

◆ AtomToMassFrac() [1/2]

◆ AtomToMassFrac() [2/2]

double cycamore::AtomToMassFrac ( double atomfrac,
cyclus::Composition::Ptr c1,
cyclus::Composition::Ptr c2 )

◆ c_heu()

Composition::Ptr cycamore::c_heu ( )

Definition at line 45 of file build/cycamore/

Referenced by TEST_F(), TEST_F(), and TEST_F().

◆ c_leu()

Composition::Ptr cycamore::c_leu ( )

Definition at line 39 of file build/cycamore/

Referenced by TEST_F(), TEST_F(), and TEST_F().

◆ c_natu()

cyclus::Composition::Ptr cycamore::c_natu ( )

Definition at line 32 of file build/cycamore/

Referenced by TEST(), TEST(), TEST(), TEST_F(), and TEST_F().

◆ c_natu1()

Composition::Ptr cycamore::c_natu1 ( )

◆ c_natu2()

Composition::Ptr cycamore::c_natu2 ( )

Definition at line 33 of file build/cycamore/

Referenced by TEST_F(), and TEST_F().

◆ c_nou235()

Composition::Ptr cycamore::c_nou235 ( )

Definition at line 22 of file build/cycamore/

Referenced by TEST_F().

◆ c_pustream()

cyclus::Composition::Ptr cycamore::c_pustream ( )

Definition at line 21 of file build/cycamore/

Referenced by TEST(), TEST(), TEST(), TEST_F(), and TEST_F().

◆ c_uox()

cyclus::Composition::Ptr cycamore::c_uox ( )

Definition at line 41 of file build/cycamore/

Referenced by TEST(), TEST(), TEST(), TEST_F(), and TEST_F().

◆ ConstructDeployInst()

cyclus::Agent * cycamore::ConstructDeployInst ( cyclus::Context * ctx)

Definition at line 135 of file build/cycamore/

◆ ConstructEnrichment()

cyclus::Agent * cycamore::ConstructEnrichment ( cyclus::Context * ctx)

Definition at line 475 of file build/cycamore/

◆ ConstructFuelFab()

cyclus::Agent * cycamore::ConstructFuelFab ( cyclus::Context * ctx)

Definition at line 511 of file build/cycamore/

◆ ConstructGrowthRegion()

cyclus::Agent * cycamore::ConstructGrowthRegion ( cyclus::Context * ctx)

Definition at line 190 of file build/cycamore/

◆ ConstructManagerInst()

cyclus::Agent * cycamore::ConstructManagerInst ( cyclus::Context * ctx)

Definition at line 106 of file build/cycamore/

◆ ConstructMixer()

cyclus::Agent * cycamore::ConstructMixer ( cyclus::Context * ctx)

Definition at line 218 of file build/cycamore/

◆ ConstructReactor()

cyclus::Agent * cycamore::ConstructReactor ( cyclus::Context * ctx)

Definition at line 1872 of file build/cycamore/

◆ ConstructSeparations()

cyclus::Agent * cycamore::ConstructSeparations ( cyclus::Context * ctx)

Definition at line 395 of file build/cycamore/

◆ ConstructSink()

cyclus::Agent * cycamore::ConstructSink ( cyclus::Context * ctx)

Definition at line 900 of file build/cycamore/

◆ ConstructSource()

cyclus::Agent * cycamore::ConstructSource ( cyclus::Context * ctx)

Definition at line 250 of file build/cycamore/

References cycamore::Source::Source().

◆ ConstructStorage()

cyclus::Agent * cycamore::ConstructStorage ( cyclus::Context * ctx)

Definition at line 1657 of file build/cycamore/

References cycamore::Storage::Storage().

◆ Contains()

bool cycamore::Contains ( std::vector< std::string > vec,
std::string s )

Definition at line 234 of file build/cycamore/

◆ CosiWeight() [1/2]

◆ CosiWeight() [2/2]

double cycamore::CosiWeight ( cyclus::Composition::Ptr c,
const std::string & spectrum )

◆ HighFrac()

◆ LowFrac()

◆ OrderBuilds()

void cycamore::OrderBuilds ( cyclus::toolkit::Commodity & commodity,
double unmetdemand )

orders builds given a commodity and an unmet demand for production capacity of that commodity

commoditythe commodity being demanded
unmetdemandthe unmet demand

◆ RecordPosition()

void cycamore::RecordPosition ( )

Records an agent's latitude and longitude to the output db.

◆ Register_()

void cycamore::Register_ ( cyclus::Agent * agent)

register a child

◆ SepMaterial() [1/2]

cyclus::Material::Ptr cycamore::SepMaterial ( std::map< int, double > effs,
cyclus::Material::Ptr mat )

SepMaterial returns a material object that represents the composition and quantity resulting from the separation of material from mat using the given mass-based efficiencies.

Each key in effs represents a nuclide or element (canonical PyNE form), and each value is the corresponding mass-based separations efficiency for that nuclide or element. Note that this returns an untracked material that should only be used for its composition and qty

  • not in any real inventories, etc.

◆ SepMaterial() [2/2]

Material::Ptr cycamore::SepMaterial ( std::map< int, double > effs,
Material::Ptr mat )

Definition at line 165 of file build/cycamore/

Referenced by TEST(), and cycamore::Separations::Tick().

◆ SortBids()

bool cycamore::SortBids ( cyclus::Bid< Material > * i,
cyclus::Bid< Material > * j )

Definition at line 99 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST() [1/10]

cycamore::TEST ( MixerTests ,
CompleteMixingProcess  )

Definition at line 399 of file build/cycamore/

References c_natu(), c_pustream(), and c_uox().

◆ TEST() [2/10]

cycamore::TEST ( MixerTests ,
MultipleFissStreams  )

Definition at line 325 of file build/cycamore/

References c_natu(), c_pustream(), and c_uox().

◆ TEST() [3/10]

cycamore::TEST ( MixerTests ,
PositionInitialize  )

Definition at line 464 of file build/cycamore/

References c_natu(), c_pustream(), and c_uox().

◆ TEST() [4/10]

cycamore::TEST ( SeparationsTests ,
PositionInitialize  )

Definition at line 344 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST() [5/10]

cycamore::TEST ( SeparationsTests ,
PositionInitialize2  )

Definition at line 382 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST() [6/10]

cycamore::TEST ( SeparationsTests ,
Retire  )

Definition at line 284 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST() [7/10]

cycamore::TEST ( SeparationsTests ,
SeparationEfficiency  )

Definition at line 48 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST() [8/10]

cycamore::TEST ( SeparationsTests ,
SeparationEfficiencyThrowing  )

Definition at line 141 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST() [9/10]

cycamore::TEST ( SeparationsTests ,
SepMaterial  )

Definition at line 17 of file build/cycamore/

References SepMaterial().

◆ TEST() [10/10]

cycamore::TEST ( SeparationsTests ,
SepMixElemAndNuclide  )

Definition at line 239 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [1/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
BidPrefs  )

Definition at line 318 of file build/cycamore/

References c_natu1(), and c_natu2().

◆ TEST_F() [2/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
CheckCapConstraint  )

Definition at line 130 of file build/cycamore/

References c_heu(), and c_natu1().

◆ TEST_F() [3/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
CheckSWUConstraint  )

Definition at line 89 of file build/cycamore/

References c_heu(), and c_natu1().

◆ TEST_F() [4/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
ConstraintConverters  )

Definition at line 572 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [5/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
Enrich  )

Definition at line 606 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [6/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
NoBidPrefs  )

Definition at line 369 of file build/cycamore/

References c_natu1(), and c_natu2().

◆ TEST_F() [7/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
PositionInitialize  )

Definition at line 715 of file build/cycamore/

References c_natu1().

◆ TEST_F() [8/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
PositionInitialize2  )

Definition at line 742 of file build/cycamore/

References c_natu1().

◆ TEST_F() [9/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
Request  )

Definition at line 521 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [10/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
RequestEnrich  )

Definition at line 169 of file build/cycamore/

References c_heu(), c_leu(), and c_natu1().

◆ TEST_F() [11/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
RequestQty  )

Definition at line 53 of file build/cycamore/

References c_natu1().

◆ TEST_F() [12/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
Response  )

Definition at line 653 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [13/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
TailsQty  )

Definition at line 262 of file build/cycamore/

References c_leu(), and c_natu1().

◆ TEST_F() [14/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
TradeTails  )

Definition at line 225 of file build/cycamore/

References c_leu(), and c_natu1().

◆ TEST_F() [15/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
ValidReq  )

Definition at line 545 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [16/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( EnrichmentTest ,
ZeroU235  )

Definition at line 409 of file build/cycamore/

References c_natu1(), and c_nou235().

◆ TEST_F() [17/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( MixerTest ,
MixingComposition  )

Definition at line 232 of file build/cycamore/

References c_natu(), c_pustream(), and c_uox().

◆ TEST_F() [18/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( MixerTest ,
StreamDefaultRatio  )

Definition at line 177 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [19/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( MixerTest ,
StreamRatio  )

Definition at line 192 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [20/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( MixerTest ,
Throughput  )

Definition at line 278 of file build/cycamore/

References c_natu(), c_pustream(), and c_uox().

◆ TEST_F() [21/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( SourceTest ,
AddBids  )

Definition at line 58 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [22/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( SourceTest ,
Clone  )

Definition at line 42 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [23/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( SourceTest ,
Longitude  )

Definition at line 145 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [24/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( SourceTest ,
Package  )

Definition at line 161 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [25/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( SourceTest ,
PositionInitialize  )

Definition at line 131 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [26/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( SourceTest ,
Print  )

Definition at line 54 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [27/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( SourceTest ,
Response  )

Definition at line 88 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [28/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( SourceTest ,
TransportUnit  )

Definition at line 192 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [29/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
ActiveDormant  )

Definition at line 467 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [30/65]

◆ TEST_F() [31/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
BehaviorTest  )

Definition at line 402 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [32/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
CCap_Inventory  )

Definition at line 839 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [33/65]

◆ TEST_F() [34/65]

◆ TEST_F() [35/65]

◆ TEST_F() [36/65]

◆ TEST_F() [37/65]

◆ TEST_F() [38/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
FixedBuyingSize  )

Definition at line 554 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [39/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
IncorrectBuyPolSetupMinMax  )

Definition at line 695 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [40/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
IncorrectBuyPolSetupNormal  )

Definition at line 681 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [41/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
IncorrectBuyPolSetupUniform  )

Definition at line 666 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [42/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
InitialState  )

◆ TEST_F() [43/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
Longitude  )

Definition at line 735 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [44/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
MultipleCommods  )

Definition at line 429 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [45/65]

◆ TEST_F() [46/65]

◆ TEST_F() [47/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
NoDormant  )

Definition at line 494 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [48/65]

◆ TEST_F() [49/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
NormalActiveDormantBuyingSize  )

Definition at line 617 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [50/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
NormalBuyingSize  )

Definition at line 595 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [51/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
PackageExactly  )

Definition at line 875 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [52/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
PackageMerge  )

Definition at line 1005 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [53/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
PackageSplitEqual  )

Definition at line 911 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [54/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
PackageSplitFirst  )

Definition at line 952 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [55/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
PositionInitialize  )

Definition at line 712 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [56/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
Print  )

◆ TEST_F() [57/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
RQ_Inventory  )

Definition at line 775 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [58/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
RQ_Inventory_Invalid  )

Definition at line 760 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [59/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
sS_Inventory  )

Definition at line 808 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [60/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
Tick  )

◆ TEST_F() [61/65]

◆ TEST_F() [62/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
TransportUnit  )

Definition at line 1044 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [63/65]

◆ TEST_F() [64/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
UniformActiveNormalDormant  )

Definition at line 520 of file build/cycamore/

◆ TEST_F() [65/65]

cycamore::TEST_F ( StorageTest ,
UniformBuyingSize  )

Definition at line 574 of file build/cycamore/

◆ Unregister_()

void cycamore::Unregister_ ( cyclus::Agent * agent)

unregister a child

◆ ValidWeights()

bool cycamore::ValidWeights ( double w_low,
double w_target,
double w_high )

Variable Documentation

◆ commodity_demand

cycamore::GrowthRegion cycamore::commodity_demand

◆ coordinates

cyclus::toolkit::Position cycamore::coordinates

Definition at line 148 of file src/growth_region.h.

◆ int

cycamore::GrowthRegion cycamore::int

◆ latitude

double cycamore::latitude

Definition at line 138 of file src/growth_region.h.

◆ longitude

double cycamore::longitude

Definition at line 146 of file src/growth_region.h.

◆ sdmanager_

cyclus::toolkit::SupplyDemandManager cycamore::sdmanager_

manager for Supply and demand

Definition at line 113 of file src/growth_region.h.

◆ string

cycamore::GrowthRegion cycamore::string