![]() |
▼Ncycamore | |
CDeployInst | |
CEnrichment | The Enrichment facility is a simple Agent that enriches natural uranium in a Cyclus simulation |
CEnrichmentTest | |
CFillConverter | |
CFissConverter | |
CFuelFab | FuelFab takes in 2 streams of material and mixes them in ratios in order to supply material that matches some neutronics properties of reqeusted material |
CGrowthRegion | This region determines if there is a need to meet a certain capacity (as defined via input) at each time step |
CManagerInst | |
CMixer | Mixer mixes N streams with fixed, static, user-specified ratios into a single output stream |
CMixerTest | |
CNatUConverter | The NatUConverter is a simple Converter class for material to determine the amount of natural uranium required for their proposed enrichment |
CReactor | Reactor is a simple, general reactor based on static compositional transformations to model fuel burnup |
CSeparations | Separations processes feed material into one or more streams containing specific elements and/or nuclides |
CSink | This facility acts as a sink of materials and products with a fixed throughput (per time step) capacity and a lifetime capacity defined by a total inventory size |
CSource | This facility acts as a source of material with a fixed throughput (per time step) capacity and a lifetime capacity defined by a total inventory size |
CSourceTest | |
CStorage | This Facility is intended to hold materials for a user specified amount of time in order to model a storage facility with a certain residence time or holdup time |
CStorageTest | |
CSWUConverter | The SWUConverter is a simple Converter class for material to determine the amount of SWU required for their proposed enrichment |
CTopupConverter | |
▼Nrun_inputs | |
CSummary | |
CTestFile | |
▼Ntest_regression | |
C_PhysorEnrichment | |
C_PhysorSources | |
C_Recycle | |
CTestCBCPhysorEnrichment | |
CTestCBCPhysorSources | |
CTestCBCRecycle | |
CTestDeployInst | |
CTestDynamicCapacitated | |
CTestGreedyPhysorEnrichment | |
CTestGreedyPhysorSources | |
CTestGreedyRecycle | |
CTestGrowth1 | |
CTestGrowth2 | |
CTestRegression | |
CDeployInstTests | |
CManagerInstTests | |
CSinkTest | |
CTestProducer |