An Introduction to Data Exploration

Cymetric provides a way to fluidly explore the data that arises from a Cyclus simulation. A variety of metrics, plots, and information can be manipulated and viewed in a straightforward and interactive way to develop a thorough understanding of the features that matter the most.

Concept: Cyclus Output file

Cyclus creates an SQLite (.sqlite) database file as its output. SQLite is a database file type that consists of a series of tables. A few functions have been included in, a file in downloaded the github repository of this tutorial, to pull information from the sqlite database and create figures.

An sqlite database can be opened by viewers like sqlitebrowser or sqliteman, but these database browsers aren’t intended for powerful analysis. Importing the data into an external function and analyzing it is a more powerful approach. However, it can still be helpful to open and view the tables.

Analyze the results:

This is a view of the tables within the database (using DB browser for SQLite). To view the data within these tables, switch to the Browse Data tab and select the table of interest. Some tables have data that may need to be manipulated or used alongside other data in other tables, which is why using a python script is often ideal.

from pyne import nucname
import write as write
import analysis as analysis
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy import isclose
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Usage: python [csv][init_date] [duration] [output_file_name]

First, a cursor that points to the sqlite file is created to the output file. A cursor points to the cyclus output file you wish to use and its commonly used when running analysis functions as it ‘bookmarks’ the file you wish to analyze.

  1. To make a cursor, use the analysis.cursor(output_filename) function where output_filename is name of the cyclus output file.

cur = analysis.cursor('cyclus.sqlite')

Simulation Time Info

init_year, init_month, duration, timestep = analysis.simulation_timesteps(cur)
print('Start year:' + str(init_year))
print('Start month:' + str(init_month))
print('Duration of simulation months:' + str(duration))
print('List of timesteps:' + str(timestep[0:3]) +' . . . '  +str(timestep[-4:-1]))
Start year:2018
Start month:1
Duration of simulation months:720
List of timesteps:[ 0.  1.  2.] . . . [ 716.  717.  718.]
# prints maximum required sfr fuel throughput per timestep
fuel = cur.execute('SELECT time, sum(quantity) FROM transactions '
                       'INNER JOIN resources ON resources.resourceid = '
                       'transactions.resourceid WHERE commodity = "fresh-uox"'
                       ' GROUP BY time').fetchall()

fresh_uox = np.array(fuel)
fuel_transaction = [fuel[1] for fuel in fresh_uox]
fuel_timestep = [fuel[0] for fuel in fresh_uox]

maximum_fuel_moved = np.amax(np.array(fuel))
print('Maximum amount of fresh-uox moved: ' + str(maximum_fuel_moved))

first_fuel_transaction = np.array(fuel)[0][1]
print('Amount of fresh-uox moved at first timestep: ' +  str(first_fuel_transaction))
#print(max(analysis.simulation_timesteps(fuel, duration, True)))

plt.xlabel('Time (months)')
plt.ylabel('Mass of Fresh-uox moved (kg)')
plt.title('Fresh-uox transaction timeseries')
Maximum amount of fresh-uox moved: 99000.0
Amount of fresh-uox moved at first timestep: 99000.0
Text(0.5,1,'Fresh-uox transaction timeseries')

How much \(^{235}\)U left the 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1? To find out, lets use the total_isotope_traded function! The total_isotope_traded takes three input arguments: - cur (cursor to CYCLUS output file) - facility (facility of interest) - flux (direction of isotope transaction) - nucid (nuclide id)

Interactive Input Using the table below, create the following variables. Include appropriate comments.






cursor to CYCLUS output file



facility of interest



isotope transaction direction



nuclide id

Using the table above, let’s find out how much \(^{235}\)U left the 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1? 1. In your IPython notebook create the variables:

  • facility that is equal to '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1'

  • flux that is equal to 'out'

  • nucid that is equal to 922350000

cur = cur # cursor to CYCLUS output file
facility = '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1' # facility of interest
flux = 'out' # isotope transaction direction
nucid = 922350000 # nuclide id
print('Total amount of U235 that left the '+ str(facility) +' reactor:')
  1. When ready, click the run button.

  2. As you see the answer is:

Total amount of U235 that left the 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1 reactor:

Now let’s plot the cumulative mass of the spent nuclear fuel that is taken out of the 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1. Again, let’s use the handy analysis.plot_out_flux_cumulativefunction which takes input arguments: - cur (cursor to CYCLUS output file) - facility (facility of interest) - title (title of plot)

Interactive Input Using the table below, create the following variables. Include appropriate comments.






cursor to CYCLUS output file



facility of interest


'Cumulative Isotope Outflux of 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1'

title of plot

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 8]
plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 12
facility = '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1'
title = 'Cumulative Isotope Outflux of 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1'
analysis.plot_out_flux_cumulative(cur, facility, title)

Now let’s plot the cumulative mass of the fresh nuclear fuel that is put into the 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1. Again, let’s use analysis.plot_in_flux which takes the arguments:

  • cur

  • facility = '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1'

  • title = 'Cumulative Isotope Influx of 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1'

facility = '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1'
title = 'Cumulative Isotope Influx of 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1'
analysis.plot_in_flux(cur, facility, title)
The agent_id for Reactor is:

In cyclus, facilities are defined by their prototype_id. For example if the simualtion had 20 different reactors, we could still find a certain one via its prototype_id.

Interactive Input In the cell below use type, find the prototype_id of the '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1' reactor by making variable called: facility and making it equal to '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1' and then run the cell.

facility = '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1'
print('The prototype_ids for' + ' ' + facility + ' ' +'' + 'are:')
analysis.prototype_id(cur, facility)
The prototype_ids for 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1 are:

Let’s find out what the prototype_id for the 'UraniumMine' in our simulation is.

facility = 'UraniumMine'
print('The prototype_ids for' + ' ' + facility + ' ' +'' + 'are:')
analysis.prototype_id(cur, facility)
The prototype_ids for UraniumMine are:

We can use these agent_ids and prototype_ids to find out more information on these facilities. For example, let’s say we wanted to find out how much 'fresh-uox' goes through the '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1' reactor? We can use the facility_commodity_flux function to find out.

Interactive Input Using the table below, create the following variables. Include appropriate comments.






cursor to CYCLUS output file



agent_id of reactor



commodity of interest



cumulative of commodity amount



Influx of commodity into reactor


As seen above, the facility_commodity_flux function returns a dictionary of the cumulative amount of fresh-uox fuel that enters the reactor over time. We can make this dictionary non-cumulative by setting is_cum = False as seen below.


As expected, the only time that fresh-uox enters the reactor is at times where the reactor is being refueled.

Now, let’s plot the storage of the sink over time to see what commodities are stored in the sink.

Let’s take a look at the total mass of spent nuclear fuel stored at the Nuclear Waste Repository. To plot, use the analysis.plot_in_flux_cumulative(cur, facility, title) function.

Interactive Input Using the table below, create the following variables. Include appropriate comments.






facility of interest


'Cumulative Isotope Inventory of Repository'

title of plot

facility = 'NuclearRepository' # facility of interest
title  = 'Cumulative Isotope Inventory of Repository'  # title of plot

analysis.plot_commodities(cur,archetype='sink',facility_commodity=['tails','spent-uox'],title = 'Sink storage',
from IPython.display import Image

Now let’s plot the cumulative mass of the spent nuclear fuel that is mined from the Uranium mine. To plot the outflux of a facility, use the analysis.plot_out_flux_cumulative(cur,sender,plot title) function.

analysis.plot_out_flux_cumulative(cur, 'UraniumMine','Cumulative Isotope Outflux of Uranium Mine')
analysis.plot_out_flux_cumulative(cur, '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1','Cumulative Isotope Outflux of 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1')

Now let’s plot the mass series and cumulative mass of the fresh nuclear fuel that is received by the 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1.

analysis.plot_in_flux(cur, '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1','Isotope Influx of 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1')
analysis.plot_in_flux_cumulative(cur, '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1','Cumulative Isotope Influx of 1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1')
user/tutorial/output_36_0.png user/tutorial/output_36_1.png

We can also find the total amount [kg] of an isotope that was used/sent from a facility using the total_isotope_used function. For example, if we wanted to find out how much \(^{235}\)U and \(^{238}\)U was mined from the Uranium Mine, we can call:

uranium_mined = analysis.total_isotope_used(cur, 'UraniumMine')
print("Total amount of U-235 mined:" + ' '  + str(uranium_mined['U235']) + ' ' + 'kg')
print("Total amount of U-238 mined:" + ' '  + str(uranium_mined['U238']) + ' ' + 'kg')
Total amount of U-235 mined: 91599.6350365 kg
Total amount of U-238 mined: 12791612.0438 kg

Let’s say we wanted to see the composition of the spent nuclear fuel from the reactor. We could call total_isotope_used with facility = '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1' to find out!

Interactive Input Using the table below, create the following variable. Include appropriate comments.






facility of interest

facility = '1178MWe BRAIDWOOD-1' # facility of interest
snf_comp = analysis.total_isotope_used(cur, facility)
isotopes = [item[0] for item in snf_comp.items()]
masses = [item[1] for item in snf_comp.items()],masses)
plt.ylabel('Total Mass [kg]')
plt.title('SNF mass composition')
Text(0.5,1,'SNF mass composition')
fuel_dict = analysis.fuel_usage_timeseries(cur, ['fresh-uox'])
analysis.stacked_bar_chart(fuel_dict, timestep,
                  'Years', 'Mass[MTHM]',
                  'Total Fresh-Uox Fuel Mass vs Time',
from IPython.display import Image
# natural uranium demand
import collections
nat_u = collections.OrderedDict()
nat_u['nat_u'] = analysis.nat_u_timeseries(cur)
analysis.stacked_bar_chart(nat_u, timestep,
                     'Years', 'Natural Uranium Mass',
                     'Natural Uranium Demand vs Time',
                     'nat_u', init_year)
from IPython.display import Image

Ask: Why is the orange line steeper in slope than the green line?

tails = cur.execute('SELECT time, sum(quantity) FROM transactions '
                       'INNER JOIN resources ON resources.resourceid = '
                       'transactions.resourceid WHERE commodity = "tails"'
                       ' GROUP BY time').fetchall()

tails_array = np.array(fuel)
tails_transaction = [tail[1] for tail in tails_array]
tails_timeseries = [fuel[0] for fuel in tails_array]

maximum_fuel_moved = np.amax(tails_array)
print('Maximum amount of tails moved during one time step: ' + str(maximum_fuel_moved))

analysis.plot_commodities(cur,archetype='sink',facility_commodity=['tails'],title='Tails in Sink',filename='tails',is_cum=True,is_outflux=False)
from IPython.display import Image
Maximum amount of tails moved during one time step: 99000.0

Decay heat

Using our spent fuel composition from above, lets see which isotope causes the most decay heat!

analysis.plot_reactor_events(cur,reactors = [])
from IPython.display import Image