Facility - Facility Prototypes (at least one required)

Every agent that participates in a Cyclus simulation represents either a facility, an institution or a region. Each facility block defines a single prototype for an agent that acts as a facility in the simulation.

Each facility block has the follwoing sections in any order:

  • name (required once) - a name for the prototype

  • lifetime (optional once) - a non-negative integer indicating the number of time steps that an agent of this prototype will be active in the simulation

  • config (required once) - the archetype-specific configuration


This example introduces two facility prototypes. The first has the name LongTermStorage, and is configured from the archetype with the name (or alias) Sink. The contents of the Sink section are defined by the author of the Sink archetype. The second has the name PBMR, has a lifetime of 720 time steps (60 years) and is based on the archetype with the name (or alias) RecipeReactor. The contents of the RecipeReactor section are defined by the author of the RecipeReactor archetype.


       ... archetype-specific input for a `Sink` archetype

       ... archetype-specific input for a `RecipeReactor` archetype


{"facility": [
    {"config": {"Sink": "(... archetype-specific input for a `Sink` archetype)"},
     "name": "LongTermStorage"
    {"config": {
        "RecipeReactor": "(... archetype-specific input for a `RecipeReactor` archetype)"},
     "lifetime": 720,
     "name": "PBMR"


{"facility": [
    {"config": {"Sink": "(... archetype-specific input for a `Sink` archetype)"},
     "name": "LongTermStorage",
    {"config": {
        "RecipeReactor": "(... archetype-specific input for a `RecipeReactor` archetype)"},
     "lifetime": 720,
     "name": "PBMR",

Grammar Definition

<element name="facility">
  <element name="name"> <text/> </element>
    <element name="lifetime"> <data type="nonNegativeInteger"/> </element>

  <element name="config">