Commodity - Commodity Priority (optional, may appear multiple times)

In Cyclus, a commodity is used to define how agents can interact. Commodities are simply used to define which resources a facility can request and/or offer. The list of commodities in a problem is defined exclusively by the commodities that are used in the definition of facility prototypes.

The commodity input block is only used to indicate a non-default priority for a particular commodity in the dynamic resource exchange solution.

A commodity block has the following sections in the following order:

  • name (required once) - the unique name for this commodity

  • solution_priority (required once) - a number that defines the relative priority for resolution in the dynamic resource exchange (Default: -1)






{"commodity": [
    {"name": "enriched_u", "solution_priority": 5.5},
    {"name": "waste", "solution_priority": 4.5}


{"commodity": [
    {"name": "enriched_u", "solution_priority": 5.5},
    {"name": "waste", "solution_priority": 4.5},

In this example, while there may be many commodities used in the problem, two of them are given explicit priorities. The enriched_u has the highest priority followed by waste. Note that these particular names do not imply any specific composition of the commodity; this will be determined later by the facilities that trade in these commodities.

Grammar Definition

  <element name="commodity">
    <element name="name"> <text/> </element>
    <element name="solution_priority"> <data type="double"/> </element>