Understanding the Database

A single database can store multiple simulations’ results. In order for this to work, every table in the database has a SimId column that identifies which simulation each row belongs to. In order to robustly analyze the data, all processing should be simulation-ID-aware. Because simulation ID’s are UUID’s, databases can be safely merged without conflicts.

Cyclus supports multiple database formats. While each format is allowed to store information in its own way, the overall table structure in databases is the same. Cyclus ships supporting two database formats:

  • SQLite (“.sqlite” extension) - Cyclus’ default database format. Some useful viewers:

  • HDF5 (“.h5” extension). Some useful viewers:

Below are a few sections that describe the data tables found in the database.

Table Descriptions

Resources Table

Because resources are tracked as immutable objects, every time a resource is changed in the simulation (split, combined, transmuted, decayed, etc.), it gets a new entry in the Resources table. The heritage of resources is also tracked. If two resources are combined into a new one, then the new resource entry will have the ID’s of the other two in its “Parent1” and “Parent2” columns. The Resources table effectively encodes a heritage tree for all resources. It is interesting to note that the Resources table does not encode any information about where a resource is. This information can be inferred by corroborating Resource ID’s with the ResCreators and Transactions tables.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • ResourceId (int): The unique ID for this resource entry. See Resource IDs for more details.

  • ObjId (int): A resources object id (obj_id) as it existed during the simulation simulation. See Resource IDs for more details.

  • Type (string): One of “Material” or “Product”. These two types of resources have different internal state stored in different tables. If the type is “Product”, then the internal state can be found in the Products table. If it is Material, then it is in the Compositions table.

  • TimeCreated (int): The simulation time step at which this resource state came into existence.

  • Quantity (double): Amount of the resource in “kg” for Material resources. Amount in terms of the specific quality for Product resources.

  • Units (string): “kg” for all Material resources, “NONE” for Product resources.

  • QualId (int): Used to identify the corresponding internal-state entry (or entries) in the Products or Compositions table depending on the resource’s type.

  • Parent1 (int): If a resource was newly created, this is zero. If this resource came from another via is transmutation, combining, or splitting, or decay then this is the parent ResourceId

  • Parent2 (int): If a resource was newly created, this is zero. If this resource came from another via transmutation, decay, or splitting, Parent2 is also zero. If the resource came from another via combining this is the second parent’s ResourceId.

ExplicitInventory Table

This is an optional table that can be activated by setting <explicit_inventory>true</explicit_inventory> in the <control> section of the input file. By default, it is disabled and will not be created in the database. Note there is a significant runtime performance penalty for activating this table. This table provides the material inventory of each agent at each time step subdivided by internal buffers (e.g. cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf). There is one row for each agent on each time step for each sub-buffer for each nuclide.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • AgentId (int): ID of the agent holding the inventory

  • Time (int): Time Step this inventory was in the given agent.

  • InventoryName (string): Name of the internal sub inventory/buffer of this material. This (usually) corresponds to the archetype state variable names for each ResBuf.

  • NucId (int): Nuclide identifier in zzzaaammmm form.

  • Quantity (double): Amount in kg of the given nuclide in the specified sub-inventory for the given agent on the given time step.

ExplicitInventoryCompact Table

This is an optional table that can be activated by setting <explicit_inventory_compact>true</explicit_inventory_compact> in the <control> section of the input file. By default, it is disabled and will not be created in the database. Note there is a significant runtime performance penalty for activating this table. This table provides the material inventory of each agent at each time step subdivided by internal buffers (e.g. cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf). There is one row for each agent on each time step for each sub-buffer. The fractional composition for each nuclide are stored as a single value in the native format of the Cyclus backend used to create the database. The sqlite backend, for example, stores this data as an xml string from a boost-serialized std::map<int, double> (i.e. NucId-frac pairs).

  • SimId (uuid)

  • AgentId (int): ID of the agent holding the inventory

  • Time (int): time step this inventory was in the given agent.

  • InventoryName (string): Name of the internal sub inventory/buffer of this material. This (usually) corresponds to the archetype state variable names for each ResBuf.

  • Quantity (double): Amount in kg of the given material composition in this sub-inventory for the given agent on the given time step.

  • Composition (int): Cyclus backend-specific format for a std::map<int, double> object.

Compositions Table

A composition consists of one or more nuclides and their respective mass fractions. Each nuclide for a composition gets its own row and have the same QualId.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • QualId (int): Key to associate this composition with one or more entries in the Resources table.

  • NucId (int): Nuclide identifier in zzzaaammmm form.

  • MassFrac (double): Mass fraction for the nuclide in this composition.

Recipes Table

  • SimId (uuid)

  • Recipe (string): Recipe name as given in the input file.

  • QualId (int): Key to identify the Composition for this recipe in the Compositions table.

Products Table

  • SimId (uuid)

  • QualId (int): Key to associate this quality with one or more entries in the Resources table.

  • Quality (string): Describes a product’s quality (e.g. “bananas”, “KWh”, etc.)

ResCreators Table

Every time an agent creates a new resource from scratch, that event is recorded in this table.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • ResourceId (int): ID of a resource that was created at some point in the simulation.

  • AgentId (int): ID of the agent that created the resource associated with the ResourceId.

AgentEntry Table

Each agent that enters and participates in a simulation gets a row in this table.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • AgentId (int): Every agent in a simulation gets its own, unique ID.

  • Kind (string): One of “Region”, “Inst”, “Facility”, or “Agent”.

  • Spec (string): The single-string of the agent specification.

  • Prototype (string): The prototype name, as defined in the input file, that was used to create this agent.

  • ParentId (int): The AgentId of this agent’s parent - the agent that built/created this agent.

  • Lifetime (int): Number of time steps an agent is designed to operate over. -1 indicates an infinite lifetime. Note that depending on how agents use the lifetime parameter, this may be entirely unrelated to how long agents were actually operating in the simulation.

  • EnterTime (int): The time step when the agent was built and entered the simulation.

AgentExit Table

Due to implementation details in the Cyclus kernel, this table is separate from the AgentEntry table. If this table doesn’t exist, then no agents were decommissioned in the simulation.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • AgentId (int): Key to the AgentId on the AgentEntry table.

  • ExitTime (int): The time step when the agent was decommissioned and exited the simulation.

AgentVersion Table

This lists the version of each agent/archetype used in the simulation. Due to backwards compatibility, this is in its own, new table instead of the AgentEntry table. There is one entry in this table for each archetype used in each simulation.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • Spec (string): Archetype spec - same as the Spec field in the AgentEntry table.

  • Version (string): The version string provided by the archetype.

Transactions Table

Every single resource transfer between two agents is recorded as a row in this table.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • TransactionId (int): A unique identifier for this resource transfer.

  • SenderId (int): AgentId for the sending agent.

  • ReceiverId (int): AgentId for the receiving agent.

  • ResourceId (int): Key to the entry in the Resources table that describes the transferred resource.

  • Commodity (string): The commodity under which this transfer was negotiated.

  • Time (int): The time step at which the resource transfer took place.

Info Table

Each simulation gets a single row in this table describing global simulation parameters and Cyclus dependency version information.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • Handle (string): A custom user-specified value from the input file allowing for convenient identification of simulations in a database (because the simulation uuid’s are not very memorable by mere mortals).

  • InitialYear (int): The year in which time step zero occurs.

  • InitialMonth (int): The month that time step zero represents.

  • Duration (int): The length of the simulation in time steps. Note that it is possible a simulation to terminate early before running its entire duration (see the Finish table section).

  • ParentSimId (uuid): The SimId for this simulation’s parent. Zero if this simulation has no parent.

  • ParentType (string): One of:

    • “init” for simulations that are not based on any other simulation.

    • “restart” for simulations that were restarted another simulation’s snapshot.

    • “branch” for simulations that were started from a perturbed state of another simulation’s snapshot.

  • BranchTime (int): Zero if this was not a restarted or branched simulation. Otherwise, the time step of the ParentSim at which the restart/branch occurred.

  • CyclusVersion (string): Version of Cyclus used to run this simulation.

  • CyclusVersionDescribe (string): Detailed Cyclus version info (with commit hash)

  • SqliteVersion (string)

  • Hdf5Version (string)

  • BoostVersion (string)

  • LibXML2Version (string)

  • CoinCBCVersion (string)

InfoExplicitInv Table

Each simulation gets one row in this table.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • RecordInventory (bool): True (or 1) if the ExplicitInventory table was or should be activated for the simulation.

  • RecordInventoryCompact (bool): True (or 1) if the ExplicitInventoryCompact table was or should be activated for the simulation.

Finish Table

Each simulation gets one row/entry in this table.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • EarlyTerm (bool): True (or 1) if the simulation terminated early and did not complete normally. False (or 0) otherwise.

  • EndTime (int): The time step at which the simulation ended.

InputFiles Table

  • SimId (uuid)

  • Data (blob): A dump of the entire input file used for this simulation.

DecomSchedule Table

When agents are scheduled to be decommissioned in the simulation, the details are recorded in this table. Note that this table contains an entry for each scheduling regardless of whether or not it actually occurred; if a simulation ended before time reached the scheduled time, the agent would not have been decommissioned.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • AgentId (int): ID of the agent that is/was to be decommissioned.

  • SchedTime (int): The time step on which this decommissioning event was created.

  • DecomTime (int): The time step on which the agent was (or would have been) decommissioned.

BuildSchedule Table

When agents are scheduled to be built in the simulation, the details are recorded in this table. Note that this table contains an entry for each scheduling regardless of whether or not it actually occurred; if a simulation ended before time reached the scheduled time, the agent would not have been built.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • ParentId (piintd): The Id of the agent that will become this new agent’s parent.

  • Prototype (string): The name of the agent prototype that will be used to generate the new agent. This corresponds to the prototypes defined in an input files.

  • SchedTime (int): The time step on which this build event was created.

  • BuildTime (int): The time step on which the agent was (or would have been) built and deployed into the simulation.

Snapshots Table

Every snapshot made during the simulation gets an entry in this table. All times in this table are candidates for simulation restart/branching.

  • SimId (uuid)

  • Time (int): The time step a snapshot was taken for this simulation.


If Cyclus was run in debugging mode then the database will then contain the following two extra tables:

  • DebugRequests: record of every resource request made in the simulation.

    • SimId: simulation UUID

    • Time: time step of the request

    • ReqId, simulation-unique identifier for this request

    • RequesterID: ID of the requesting agent

    • Commodity: the commodity of the request

    • Preference: agent’s preference for this particular request

    • Exclusive: true (non-zero) if this request is all-or-nothing (integral)

    • ResType: resource type (e.g. “Material”, “Product”)

    • Quantity: amount of the request

    • ResUnits: units of the request (e.g. kg)

  • DebugBids: record of every resource bid made in the simulation.

    • SimId: simulation UUID

    • ReqId: simulation-unique identifier for the bid’s request

    • BidderId: ID of the the bidding agent

    • BidQuantity: amount of thd bid

    • Exclusive: true(non-zero) if this request is all-or-nothing (integral)

Post Processing

We are currently working on developing a post-process step for the database that creates a few new tables to assist data analysis and visualization. These tables are not set in stone and their schemas are subject to change. Below is a summary of them.