FY2016 NEUP Funding Opportunity with Cyclus

Date: August 13, 2015

The NEUP program has released the workscope definitions for the FY2016 Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research program. These workscopes include specific activities in support of the Cyclus ecosystem. Interested parties are encouraged to contact the Cyclus team to learn more about the project and how the Cyclus team can best support your research interests.

FC-5.1b: Maintaining and advancing Fuel Cycle Simulation Capability

The current nuclear fuel cycle is a well-established and well-understood system. Fuel cycle analysis is important for understanding how a transition to an alternative fuel cycle will impact that system. Cyclus (www.fuelcycle.org) is an open-source nuclear fuel cycle simulator that is designed to enable collaborative enhancements and improvements that accommodate different fuel cycle analysis questions and use cases. Projects which can maintain and advance this capability developed in part due to past NEUP support are invited. For example:

  • Develop modules that support specific types of fuel cycles or fuel cycle technologies

  • Develop capability for sensitivity analysis and/or optimization

  • Interfacing with tools designed to model broader energy & climate futures (e.g., MARKAL, GCAM, etc.)

  • Developing capability for economic and financial modeling

  • Incorporation of time and geospatial considerations for the transportation of material

  • Maintaining and enhancing Cycamore, the basic module library for Cyclus and providing the Cyclus community facilitator role and a resource for developers of archetype modules and analysis tools.