No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#include "xml_flat_loader.h"
3#include "agent.h"
4#include "context.h"
5#include "env.h"
6#include "error.h"
7#include "infile_tree.h"
8#include "logger.h"
9#include "recorder.h"
10#include "timer.h"
12namespace cyclus {
14std::string BuildFlatMasterSchema(std::string schema_path, std::string infile) {
15 Timer ti;
17 Context ctx(&ti, &rec);
19 std::stringstream schema("");
21 std::string master = schema.str();
23 std::vector<AgentSpec> specs = ParseSpecs(infile);
24 std::string subschemas;
25 for (int i = 0; i < specs.size(); ++i) {
26 Agent* m = DynamicModule::Make(&ctx, specs[i]);
27 subschemas += "<element name=\"" + specs[i].alias() + "\">\n";
28 subschemas += m->schema() + "\n";
29 subschemas += "</element>\n";
30 ctx.DelAgent(m);
31 }
33 // replace refs in master rng template file
34 std::string search_str = std::string("@MODEL_SCHEMAS@");
35 size_t pos = master.find(search_str);
36 if (pos != std::string::npos) {
37 master.replace(pos, search_str.size(), subschemas);
38 }
40 return master;
50 // create prototypes
51 int num_protos = xqe.NMatches("/*/prototype");
52 for (int i = 0; i < num_protos; i++) {
53 InfileTree* qe = xqe.SubTree("/*/prototype", i);
54 std::string prototype = qe->GetString("name");
55 std::string alias = qe->SubTree("config")->GetElementName(0);
56 AgentSpec spec = specs_[alias];
58 Agent* agent = DynamicModule::Make(ctx_, spec);
60 // call manually without agent impl injected to keep all Agent state in a
61 // single, consolidated db table
62 agent->Agent::InfileToDb(qe, DbInit(agent, true));
64 agent->InfileToDb(qe, DbInit(agent));
65 rec_->Flush();
67 std::vector<Cond> conds;
68 conds.push_back(Cond("SimId", "==", rec_->sim_id()));
69 conds.push_back(Cond("AgentId", "==", agent->id()));
70 conds.push_back(Cond("SimTime", "==", static_cast<int>(0)));
72 PrefixInjector pi(&ci, "AgentState");
74 // call manually without agent impl injected
75 agent->Agent::InitFrom(&pi);
77 pi = PrefixInjector(&ci, "AgentState" + spec.Sanitize());
78 agent->InitFrom(&pi);
79 ctx_->AddPrototype(prototype, agent);
80 }
82 // retrieve agent hierarchy and initial inventories
83 int num_agents = xqe.NMatches("/*/agent");
84 std::map<std::string, std::string> protos; // map<name, prototype>
85 std::map<std::string, std::string> parents; // map<agent, parent>
86 std::set<std::string> agents; // set<agent_name>
87 std::map<std::string, InfileTree*> invs; // map<agent, qe>;
88 for (int i = 0; i < num_agents; i++) {
89 InfileTree* qe = xqe.SubTree("/*/agent", i);
90 std::string name = qe->GetString("name");
91 std::string proto = qe->GetString("prototype");
92 std::string parent = OptionalQuery<std::string>(qe, "parent", "");
93 protos[name] = proto;
94 parents[name] = parent;
95 invs[name] = qe;
96 agents.insert(name);
97 }
99 // build agents starting at roots (no parent) down.
100 std::map<std::string, Agent*> built; // map<agent_name, agent_ptr>
101 std::set<std::string>::iterator it = agents.begin();
102 while (agents.size() > 0) {
103 std::string name = *it;
104 std::string proto = protos[name];
105 std::string parent = parents[name];
106 if (parent == "") {
107 built[name] = BuildAgent(proto, NULL);
108 ++it;
109 agents.erase(name);
110 } else if (built.count(parent) > 0) {
111 built[name] = BuildAgent(proto, built[parent]);
112 ++it;
113 agents.erase(name);
114 } else {
115 ++it;
116 }
117 if (it == agents.end()) {
118 it = agents.begin();
119 }
120 }
123} // namespace cyclus
std::string Sanitize()
The abstract base class used by all types of agents that live and interact in a simulation.
Definition agent.h:49
virtual void InitFrom(QueryableBackend *b)
Intializes an agent's internal state from the database.
virtual std::string schema()
Returns an agent's xml rng schema for initializing from input files.
Definition agent.h:333
virtual void InfileToDb(InfileTree *qe, DbInit di)
Translates info for the agent from an input file to the database by reading parameters from the passe...
virtual const int id() const
The agent instance's unique ID within a simulation.
Definition agent.h:352
Wrapper class for QueryableBackends that injects a set of Cond's into every query before being execut...
Represents a condition used to filter rows returned by a query.
A simulation context provides access to necessary simulation-global functions and state.
Definition context.h:145
void AddPrototype(std::string name, Agent *m)
Adds a prototype to a simulation-wide accessible list, a prototype can not be added more than once.
void DelAgent(Agent *m)
Destructs and cleans up m (and it's children recursively).
DbInit provides an interface for agents to record data to the output db that automatically injects th...
Definition db_init.h:14
static Agent * Make(Context *ctx, AgentSpec spec)
Returns a newly constructed agent for the given module spec.
A class for extracting information from a given XML parser.
Definition infile_tree.h:22
InfileTree * SubTree(std::string query, int index=0)
populates a child infile based on a query and index
virtual std::string GetString(std::string query, int index=0)
investigates the current status and returns a string representing the content of a query at a given i...
Wrapper class for QueryableBackends that injects prefix in front of the title/table for every query b...
Collects and manages output data generation for the cyclus core and agents during a simulation.
Definition recorder.h:45
boost::uuids::uuid sim_id()
returns the unique id associated with this cyclus simulation.
void Flush()
Flushes all buffered Datum objects and flushes all registered backends.
Controls simulation timestepping and inter-timestep phases.
Definition timer.h:22
boost::shared_ptr< XMLParser > parser_
the parser
QueryableBackend * b_
std::string schema_path_
filepath to the schema
std::map< std::string, AgentSpec > specs_
Agent * BuildAgent(std::string proto, Agent *parent)
Creates and builds an agent, notifying its parent.
std::string file_
the input file name
void LoadInitialAgents()
Creates all initial agent instances from the input file.
virtual std::string master_schema()
Code providing rudimentary logging capability for the Cyclus core.
taken directly from OsiSolverInterface.cpp on 2/17/14 from https://projects.coin-or....
std::string BuildFlatMasterSchema(std::string schema_path, std::string infile)
Builds and returns a master cyclus input xml schema defining a flat prototype and instance structure ...
void LoadStringstreamFromFile(std::stringstream &stream, std::string file, std::string format)
Reads the given file path as XML into the passed stream.
std::vector< AgentSpec > ParseSpecs(std::string infile, std::string format)
Returns a list of the full module+agent spec for all agents in the given input file.
T OptionalQuery(InfileTree *tree, std::string query, T default_val)
a query method for optional parameters