DbInit provides an interface for agents to record data to the output db that automatically injects th...
A class for extracting information from a given XML parser.
Interface implemented by backends that support rudimentary querying.
An abjstract interface that must be implemented by all simulation agents and all agent member variabl...
virtual StateWrangler * Clone()=0
Return a newly created/allocated object that is an exact copy of this.
virtual std::string schema()=0
Returns an object's xml rng schema for initializing from input files.
virtual void InitFrom(QueryableBackend *b)=0
Intializes an agent's internal state from an output database.
virtual void Snapshot(DbInit di)=0
Snapshots agent-internal state to the output db via di.
virtual void InfileToDb(InfileTree *qe, DbInit di)=0
Translates info for the object from input file information to the database by reading parameters from...
taken directly from OsiSolverInterface.cpp on 2/17/14 from https://projects.coin-or....