8#include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp"
10class OsiSolverInterface;
15class ExchangeNodeGroup;
57 bool exclusive,
double pseudo_cost);
79 void CheckPref(
double pref);
87 OsiSolverInterface* iface_;
An ExchangeGraph is a resource-neutral representation of a ResourceExchange.
A ExchangeNodeGroup is a collection of ExchangeNodes, and is the ExchangeGraph representation of a Bi...
a helper class to translate a product exchange into a mathematical program.
ProgTranslator(ExchangeGraph *g, OsiSolverInterface *iface)
const ProgTranslatorContext & ctx() const
void FromProg()
translates solution from iface back into graph matches
void Populate()
populates the solver interface with values from the translators Context
void ToProg()
translates graph into mathematic program via iface.
void Translate()
translates the graph, filling the translators Context
taken directly from OsiSolverInterface.cpp on 2/17/14 from https://projects.coin-or....
struct to hold all problem instance state
std::vector< double > col_lbs
std::vector< double > col_ubs
std::vector< double > obj_coeffs
std::vector< double > row_ubs
std::vector< double > row_lbs
This class is now deprecated.