The (Experimental) Cyclus Toolkit

Currently in an experimental state, the Cyclus toolkit aims to provide functionality relevant to a variety of archetypes that do not belong strictly in the cyclus kernel.



ResourceBuff will soon be deprecated in favor of ResBuf.

The cyclus::toolkit::ResourceBuff (C++) or cyclus.typesystem.ResourceBuff (Python) class provides provides a canonical methodology for dealing with collections of Resources. Archetypes in both Cyclus and Cycamore make use of this class. ResourceBuffs are usually used as member variables of archetypes. The Cyclus preprocessor (C++) or Cyclus agents (Python) have special handling for ResourceBuff as it can generate all needed code for proper persistence and intiialization of the buffer. For this to work, you must annotate the buffer member variable with a Cyclus pre-processor pragma (C++) or have a special ResourceBuffInv class attribute (Python) in one of the following ways:


// Option 1: minimum required annotation
#pragma cyclus var {}
cyclus::toolkit::ResourceBuff mybuf;

// Option 2: you can set a specify buffer capacity
#pragma cyclus var {'capacity': 245.6}
cyclus::toolkit::ResourceBuff mybuf;

// Option 3: you can reference another annotated member variable's value
// as the capacity
#pragma cyclus var {}
double buf_cap;
#pragma cyclus var {'capacity': 'buf_cap'}
cyclus::toolkit::ResourceBuff mybuf;


from cyclus.agents import Facility
import cyclus.typesystem as ts

class MyFacility(Facility):
    # Option 1: minimum required class attribute
    mybuf = ts.ResourceBuffInv()

    # Option 2: you can set a specify buffer capacity
    mybuf = ts.ResourceBuffInv(capacity=245.6)

    # Option 3: you can reference another annotated member variable's value
    # as the capacity
    buf_cap = ts.Double()
    mybuf = ts.ResourceBuffInv(capacity='buf_cap')

You can read the ResourceBuff API documentation for more details on how to use the buffer.


The cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf (C++) or cyclus.typesystem.ResBuf (Python) class provides provides a canonical methodology for dealing with collections of Resources. ResBufs are usually used as member variables of archetypes. The Cyclus preprocessor has special handling for ResBuf as it can generate all needed code for proper persistence and intiialization of the buffer. For this to work, you must annotate the buffer member variable with a Cyclus pre-processor pragma (C++) or set a class attribute (Python) in one of the following ways:


// Option 1: minimum required annotation
#pragma cyclus var {}
cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf<cyclus::Material> mybuf;

// Option 2: you can set a specify buffer capacity
#pragma cyclus var {'capacity': 245.6}
cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf<cyclus::Material> mybuf;

// Option 3: you can reference another annotated member variable's value
// as the capacity
#pragma cyclus var {}
double buf_cap;
#pragma cyclus var {'capacity': 'buf_cap'}
cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf<cyclus::Material> mybuf;


from cyclus.agents import Facility
import cyclus.typesystem as ts

class MyFacility(Facility):
    # Option 1: minimum required annotation
    mybuf = ts.ResBufMaterialInv()

    # Option 2: you can set a specify buffer capacity
    mybuf = ts.ResBufMaterialInv(capacity=245.6)

    # Option 3: you can reference another annotated member variable's value
    # as the capacity
    buf_cap = ts.Double()
    mybuf = ts.ResBufMaterialInv(capacity='buf_cap')

You can read the ResBuf API documentation for more details on how to use the buffer.

MatQuery [C++]

The cyclus::toolkit::MatQuery class provides some easy-to-use functions that interrogate the cyclus::Material object. For example, one can query the mass or number of moles of a given nuclide.

Enrichment [C++]

A number of functions are provided in toolkit/enrichment.h that assist in enrichment-related calculations. Some highlights include a representation of uranium assays in cyclus::toolkit::Assays, as well as functions to calculate feed, tails, and SWU quantity requirements.

Commodity Recipe Context [C++]

The cyclus::toolkit::CommodityRecipeContext class provides a mapping between commodities and recipes that can be updated as a simulation progresses.

Symbolic Functions [C++]

The cyclus::toolkit::SymbolicFunction class and its derivatives provide an object-oriented hierarchy to represent symbolic functions. Factory methods are provided by the cyclus::toolkit::SymbFunctionFactory class.

Agent Managed Classes [C++]

There are a number of interfaces provided in the Cyclus toolkit that can be used as either as mixins or as composable, agent-managed state variables:

  • cyclus::toolkit::Builder: an interface for adding information about agents that can be built by the manager

  • cyclus::toolkit::BuildingManager: an interface for making build decisions based on supply, demand, and agents that can be built

  • cyclus::toolkit::CommodityProducer: an interface for adding information about commodities that can be produced by the manager

  • cyclus::toolkit::CommodityProducerManager: an interface that allows an agent to query a collection of cyclus::toolkit::CommodityProducers

  • cyclus::toolkit::SupplyDemandManager: an interface for querying the supply and demand on commodities

Geographic Informasion System (GIS) Class [C++]

The cyclus::toolkit::GIS class provide an option to add geographic coordinates of its friend classes. Haversine distance calculations between two facilities or agents with GIS coordinates can be performed as well.